6 Tips for Running Google Ads on a Tight Budget

The good news is that Google ads are one of the top ways to increase website traffic and revenue for your business, even when you are on a tight budget. Many small businesses use Google ads because of the excellent analytic tools they use and because they are cost-effective in several different ways.

How To Avoid Wasting 60% of Your Google Ads Budget

  • Set a daily budget

Decide what you can comfortably spend in a month and then divide that amount into days. This is a good start to see how much you can put out each day.

Most successful campaigns spend about $5, but that can be lower depending on what keywords you use and other features that Google has set in.

  • Carefully managing your Google ads budget

By keeping a watchful eye on your Google ads conversions and the budget you have, you can grow your business in a few simple ways. Indeed, budgeting for Google ads does not have to be complicated but it is important. Overspending a PPC budget can be deadly for a business, particularly when it isn’t generating a profit for you.

  • Use one keyword

Using one highly targeted word at the beginning can be more beneficial than trying to spend money on several different keywords. Try to pick one good keyword, as this is best for your budget.

With one keyword, try to choose one with medium traffic and not too much competition. On a low budget, you do not need to be paying for competition keywords.

Google has a Google Ads Keyword tool that can help you decide which keyword may be best for your campaign.

Having one keyword also means you only need one landing page and one audience during the beginning. This also saves you time in making these or saves you money in paying someone else to make multiple landing pages.

  • Use one landing page

Some people may click your ad, not be impressed by the landing page, and move on. Remember that the only goal isn’t to get clicks, it’s to get conversions.

Your landing page should target the same audience that your ad did and contain the same keyword. Make your landing pages unique from competitors and specific to the audience you want to reach.

Try not to have the main goal of your landing page be a purchase. People will want to learn more about your business or brand before they begin spending money. If you have an eCommerce or are specifically advertising promotion or sale, then you can offer the option to purchase from the landing page.

Make the landing page for one part of the audience. This will make it specified and more appealing to that segment.

  • Single keyword ad groups

Google ads can take your keyword and put it into three groups. These can be a broad match, phrase match, and exact match. This makes your keywords more targeted since they will not cater to unqualified searches.

This is great for low-budget ads because you want every search and every click to be beneficial.

This can increase your quality score with Google as well. Ads with higher quality scores will get more traffic and be placed at the top of web search pages increasing visibility.

  • ECPC bidding

ECPC is enhanced cost per click. While some people use “maximize clicks,” ECPC is more beneficial for low-budget marketing campaigns.

Google decides whether to bid high or low for you when you use ECPC. This makes you not have to compete as much at the beginning and only get searches that will best benefit you.

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