4 SEO Tips for Attorneys to Boost Your Website

The legal field is one of the most competitive verticals. Every attorney needs to invest in an effective SEO strategy to become visible in this highly dynamic world.

Google, Yahoo, Bing, and numerous online review sites go when people need a service. Even when their friends recommend a law firm or an established attorney, they go online to research them.

Ranking well on the search results and connecting with the target audience is essential to gain more clients. Otherwise, they will be knocking on your competitors’ doors.

With that said, you can improve your brand reputation, rankings, and revenue with SEO for attorneys.

Pick a Specialized Category on Google My Business

While listing your firm as a local business on Google My Business page, pick a niche category. Do not just say that you are an attorney, but specify which kinds of cases you take up, e.g., family law, tax attorney.

By doing this, you can attract more qualified prospective clients looking for local businesses in your niche. Your contact info, client reviews, and other information will appear on the GMB page, and your visibility broadens.

Target Keywords Based on How People Search

Internet users search for a business, product, or service, depending on:


People in the final stages of the buying cycle, looking to reach out to an attorney or pay for your services, use strings like “best personal injury attorney near me.”


Search queries that contain similar phrases like “in city” or “near me” are powerful keywords to tap, if you want to drive more organic traffic to your site.

Business Category:

Here, choosing the right category on the GMB page that focuses on your specialization works in your favor. People looking for a “divorce attorney” or “personal injury lawyer” can find you more easily.


People tend to use this more on voice searches. They use a complete sentence, usually in a question form, as if they are speaking to a person – something like, “what to look for when hiring an estate law attorney?” Although these are low-intent, use SEO for attorneys as a long-term strategy to see future profits.

Optimize Your Content

Optimized content with original and engaging information builds your reputation as an authority site. Blogs and FAQ pages can help educate your audience and give you a chance to connect with them. Mainly when users perform a long-tail keyword search, it would help if you add it in the FAQ section. Your answer will get displayed as a featured snippet on top of the first page of Google search results.

Do Not Forget Link Building and Schema Markup

Since 91% of all web pages don’t have valuable backlinks, they fail to get organic traffic from Google. Getting backlinks from top-domain, reputed sites can boost your credibility.

You can get qualified referral traffic by guest posting on someone’s high-traffic site and link back to your site. When you use structured data like Name, Address, and Phone Number schema markup, Google displays your information in rich snippets.

Use these SEO tips to stand out from the rest of the pack when a potential client looks up your service.

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