What’s New on Facebook?

Facebook has been adding features to its mobile apps to improve user experience especially to those with slow connectivity. Now, Facebook has announced its newest feature which allows users to comment on posts even when they don’t have an internet connection. It’ll save your comment until you’re connected again and then post it automatically. If you are on a slow connection, the News Feed will first pick the older posts from the last time it had downloaded posts for you and then load any fresh content. Also, to streamline it further, Facebook will only display posts that you haven’t scrolled through earlier so that you can begin exactly where you left.

“For example, if you see a post about a friend’s engagement when you’re not connected to the internet, you can compose a congratulatory comment, and it will appear on his or her post when you’re back online,” the company said in a post.

“For example, if you see a post about a friend’s engagement when you’re not connected to the
internet, you can compose a congratulatory comment, and it will appear on his or her post when
you’re back online,” the company said in a post.

Facebook users will welcome this new approach with excitement, but it will cost a higher bandwidth
and battery consumption. Also, it is yet to confirm when the features would go worldwide and whether
they would be restricted to the Android app only.

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