Research Shows Complex Jobs Help Prevent Alzheimer’s


Last Sunday at the Alzheimer’s Association’s International Conference held in Toronto, it was revealed that any job which requires critical thinking and social interaction helps prevent the emergence of Alzheimer’s disease.

Two studies presented a conclusion on how those things can combat the effects of having an unhealthy diet. One result said that heavy consumption of red and processed meats can cause cognitive decline. However, people who ate such foods could slow down its negative effects if they lead a mentally stimulating lifestyle.

Some of the occupations which are considered mentally stimulating include doctor, engineer, lawyer, teacher and social workers. On the other hand, jobs which are considered less mentally stimulating are cashier, machine operator, laborer and grocery shelf stocker.

Another result stated that people who have increased white spots on the brain called white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) can counteract brain related diseases if they spend more time working with people rather than things such as plain data or gadgets.

The two studies support the previous findings released by the Mayo Clinic Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging. Ronald Peterson, Mayo Clinic’s Director said that more stimulating lifestyles were proven to be associated with much better cognitive results as one gets older.


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