Different Ways to Make Wearing Glasses Fun for Your Kids

Children can be reluctant to do what we want them to, but there are some things that are essential for their health and wellbeing. Whether this is getting their shots or wearing sunscreen, the tantrums that can be thrown are not to be taken lightly.

But when it comes to wearing glasses or sunglasses, the struggle becomes costly. Glasses can cost upwards from $200 a pair, so when you have a child who won’t wear them, it can be frustrating. And if they break them consistently, you’ll be spending a lot of time and money at the eye doctor.

Fortunately, there are a few ways to make wearing glasses fun for your kids.

Different Ways to Make Wearing Glasses Fun for Your Kids

Let them Pick Out the Frames for their Sunglasses

Many children are hesitant about wearing glasses because they think they’re ugly. They don’t want to be teased by other kids at school, and that’s completely understandable.

So, consider letting them pick out the frames for their sunglasses. This way, they feel empowered and in control of the situation. You can also buy them cool sunglasses.

They may not be able to wear them every day, but they’ll be able to wear them when they go outside. You can also buy them multiple pairs so they can have a few options.

Be a Role Model

Your child is more likely to wear their glasses if you wear your own. Children are very impressionable and are often more likely to behave in a certain way if they see their parents doing it.

If they see you wearing glasses, they’ll be more likely to wear them as well. You can also explain to them why you wear glasses.

However, if you’re sensitive about your glasses, you don’t have to wear them all the time. But if you can make them part of your everyday routine, they’ll be more likely to do the same. It is well known that children tend to idolize and look up to their parents, so use that to your advantage.

Get them Fun Glasses or Sunglasses

If you’re concerned about your child’s appearance, you can get them fun glasses or sunglasses. You can even buy them multiple pairs so they can change them depending on their mood.

There are lots of different styles of kids prescription sunglasses and glasses, so finding a pair that your child likes shouldn’t be a problem. Just make sure they’re comfortable and fit properly.

You should also get your child’s opinion on the glasses before you buy them. This way, they’ll be more likely to wear them.

Teach Them How to Take Care of Their Glasses

One of the reasons children break their glasses is because they don’t know how to take care of them. They may not know how to put them on or take them off, and they may not know how to clean them properly.

Teaching them how to take care of their glasses will help them last longer. You can show them how to put them on and take them off, and you can teach them how to clean them.

You should also teach them how to store their glasses when they’re not wearing them. This way, they’ll be less likely to break them.

Make a Game Out of It

If your child is reluctant to wear their glasses, you can make a game out of it. You can have a race to see who can put their glasses on the fastest, or you can have a contest to see who can keep them on the longest.

You can also have a game where you hide their glasses and see how long it takes them to find them. This will help them get used to wearing their glasses and will make it more fun for them. If you do play games with their glasses, however, you should ensure that they’re safe and that they won’t get damaged.



Children can be hesitant to wear glasses, but there are a few ways to make wearing glasses fun for your kids. You can let them pick out the frames for their sunglasses, be a role model, or get them fun glasses or sunglasses.

You can also teach them how to take care of their glasses, make a game out of it, or have them wear their glasses for a short period of time each day. If you do these things, your child will be more likely to wear their glasses throughout the day.

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