H.R.4596 – Small Business Broadband Deployment Act

The HR 4596 Bill commonly known as Small Business Broadband Deployment Act has passed the House without any amendments last March 16, 2016. This will go to Senate as the next step for consideration. Basically, this bill exempts any small business’ broadband internet access service provider for 5 years any broadband deployment as rather than compliance to the lengthy and heavy regulatory requirements on how it is being used. This accounts for the (1) sufficiency of information regarding their use and purposes and (2) content, application, service and device providers to develop, market and maintain internet offerings.

(Sec. 2) This bill exempts for five years any small business broadband Internet access service provider with no more than 250,000 subscribers from the enhancements to the transparency rule of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under which any person engaged in the provision of broadband Internet access service must disclose publicly accurate information regarding the network management practices, performance, and commercial terms of its broadband Internet access services.

This bill was sponsored by Mr. Greg Walden/Republican who introduced it on 02/24/2016. A representative for Oregon’s 2nd congressional district. There’s a 33% prognosis chance that this will be enacted. See details here.

Important Note: A bill must be passed by both the House and Senate in identical form and then be signed by the President to become a law.

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