How to Keep Your Skid Steer on Top Shape

The performance and durability of your skid steer track depend on proper maintenance. With proper maintenance, you will not only improve the durability but also optimize the performance of your skid steer track. Of course, you must choose the right accessories for your skid steer track. However, maintenance is a crucial factor when it comes to the durability and performance of your skid steer track. So, if you want your skid steer track to serve you for years to come, practice the following maintenance tips and tricks.

How to Keep Your Skid Steer on Top Shape

Regular Maintenance

Train your operators on how to maintain the tracks. Teach then on how to monitor the performance. Let them know how to spot problems.


Teach your operators on the right track operational techniques. Remember, you will be using your track on harsh terrains—including on rocks and debris. These terrains can make the rubber tracks to wear out fast. That’s why you should teach your operators on how to optimize performance. Training them will help reduce damage.

Rubber Tracks Should Be Cleaned Regularly

Besides proper operational methods, it’s important to clean the tracks on a regular basis. In particular, clean your carriage regularly. The wear rate if your unit is dependent on how regular you clean the undercarriage. Even more, the skid steer and rubber trackers should be cleaned on a daily basis Cleaning reduces the remove abrasive materials like rocks, gravel, as well as mud from the tracks. Using pressure water is the best way to clean the tracks.

Enhance Track Life

With proper maintenance, your tracks’ durability will be enhanced. Thus, consider inspecting the undercarriages. Don’t forget to conduct regular visual checks. In particular, pay close attention to the track condition as well as tension. Lubricate your tracks on a daily basis. Strictly follow the manufacturer’s manual. Install your track correctly.

Purchase the Right Unit

Only purchase your tracks from a reputable manufacturer. Also, be sure to get the right tracks for the skid steer track unit.

Drive Carefully

Driving your unit carefully will improve its durability. So, be sure to stick to the right driving methods. Also, consider staying on track.

Harsh Conditions

When operating your unit on harsh conditions, take caution. Drive it carefully.

Avoid Excessive Tension

Don’t put your unit under too much tension. It will lead to wear and tear.

Clean Regularly

Remove the debris on a regular basis. Don’t leave dirt to accumulate. Clean your track thoroughly. Also, consider rotating the tracks. Don’t expose your equipment to direct sunlight. It will lead to degradation. Construct a shade for your unit to shield it from excessive sunlight.

Pro Tip: For the best track shoes, try Fortis Tracks. They are durable and highly versatile. 

The Bottom-Line

Like any machine, the skid steer track requires proper maintenance. Among other things, proper maintenance will ensure that your skid steer track lasts for years to come. The above maintenance tips and tricks will help keep your skid steer track in top shape for years to come.

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