Obama Kicks Off Historic Cuba Visit

US President, Barack Obama, arrived in Cuba last Sunday. His visit is the first by a US president in 88 years. Obama was accompanied by first lady Michelle Obama, her mother and their daughters, Sasha and Malia, during the trip.

This event is an important mark in history as it symbolizes the reconciliation of Cuba and USA, which are two former cold war foes. The visit is the culmination of the diplomatic opening announced by Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro in December 2014, in hopes to end the estrangement that began when the Cuban revolution ousted a pro-American government in 1959.

Obama has always been against the U.S. policy that tries to isolate Cuba. He wants to make an irreversible policy shift even if a Republican wins in the coming election.

A few days in Cuba has taught Obama some Cuban words. In his official twitter account, the president said: “¿Qué bolá Cuba? [what’s up?] Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people.”

He is set to have a talk with Castro on Monday, hold a speech live on Cuban Television on Tuesday, meet dissidents and watch an exhibition baseball game between a US and a Cuban team, Major League Baseball’s Tampa Bay Rays and Cuba’s national team respectively.


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