The Care Package: Innovative Solution to Relief Goods Dilemma

the-care-package solutions pilmico
photo credit to Aboitiz Foundation Inc, facebook account

As one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, the Philippines is constantly at the receiving end of devastating storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other calamities. Despite this, our disaster risk management is still poor and considerably inadequate. This was proven after the onslaught of Typhoon Yolanda showed the country the dire consequences of having an inefficient disaster-preparedness mechanism.

In fact, one of the big issues that plagued the previous administration was the mishandling of the relief goods for the victims of the super typhoon. Largely due to mismanagement, huge quantities of donated food were left to rot instead of being efficiently distributed to those who need them.

This is the problem that Pilmico Foods Corp. hopes to at least remedy with The Care Package. With a shelf life of 12 months, food storage and preservation for this pack of tasty biscuits would no longer be a concern.

The Care Package biscuits also contains 450 Calories which is equivalent to a full meal to the average man. Compared to common relief goods like instant noodles or rice, the high-energy biscuits do not need to be boiled or cooked to be consumed. This is especially important during disaster situations wherein power services are usually down and unavailable.

Moreover, the biscuits also contain important vitamins such as vitamins A, C, D3, and E and essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron. More than just an emergency food provision for survival and sustenance, the tasty biscuits also promotes good health through adequate nutrition.

This make The Care Package potentially useful not just in disaster response operations but also in food drives aimed at eliminating hunger or malnutrition in impoverished areas in the country and around the world.

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