Introduction To The CEH Certification

You have probably heard the saying that to ‘beat a hacker, you need to think like one’. This is exactly what CEH certification is all about. CEH stands for Certified Ethical Hacker. This qualification is designed to show that you have the ability to hack into a system ethically. You would do this in order to spot any vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the system. This is done for the purpose of strengthening the security system before a criminal hacker exploits the vulnerabilities themselves. Ethical hackers are in high demand at present and thus CEH training comes highly recommended.

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This type of IT security training is ideal for a whole host of different people. This includes security professionals, auditors, site administrators, security offices and anyone that is concerned about the integrity of the network infrastructure. It is certainly a certificate that looks impressive on the CV of any Internet security professional. One of the great things about CEH certification is the fact that it is recognised all over the world. This is extremely beneficial, as it means your skills are transferable and you can provide your services for companies all over the globe.

So, what can you actually expect to learn when enrolling in one of these IT security courses? You will discover how to scan, test, hack and secure a system. You will learn about everything from virus creation, to buffer overflows, to DDoS attacks, to social engineering, to policy creation to intrusion detection, to what is a VPN? The list is endless. There are actually twenty different modules and all of them put you in the best position to be able to detect any possible issues with network systems in the future.

Now you know a little bit more about what to expect from the CEH course and who this is designed for. You are probably wondering what the CEH exam entails. This exam lasts for four hours. You have to answer 125 questions in this period, all of which are multiple choice. In order to pass you need to achieve a mark of at least 70 per cent. This means that you need to score 88 or above out of 125 in order to pass. Once you have passed the exam you will be awarded the Certified Ethical Hacker certification award from the EC-Council (The International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants.

It really is not difficult to see why people would want to take this course. As touched upon, ethical hackers in high demand at the moment and most people believe that this is the best way for them to protect their business. You also have the opportunity to make a significant wage if you go down this route. When starting off you can expect to earn around £25,000 per year. However, as your experience grows, so will the amount you get paid. Some team leaders actually earn in excess of $90,000. The sky is the limit.

If you want to advance your career, why not consider CEH training today? This certification will give you the tools you really need to excel when it comes to information security.

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