Using Residential Proxies to Grow your Business

Residential proxies are great tools that manage to improve the efficiency of profitable online tasks. Internet anonymity has much more legal benefits than the average user realizes. Because of that, having a trustworthy residential proxy at your disposal is beneficial for both individuals and businesses. If you want to learn how to use them, Smartproxy has a lot of helpful information for beginners, so be sure to check them out.

This time we will discuss the most profitable online activities that heavily rely on residential proxies. By receiving a fake IP address, businesses and individuals can use legal loopholes for various advantages. 

Big tech companies have benefited from many online activities that helped them collect vast amounts of data. However, when the information gradually became our most important resource, the same companies create protections to limit web scraping of public data. Residential proxies are the tools that make the battle for information fair.

If a business wants to stay afloat in the dynamic digital world, they have to even out the playing field. The increased efficiency of tasks that is achieved with the help of anonymity helps to utilize data and make much more calculated decisions. Here we present the best ways to increase profits with residential proxies.

Using Residential Proxies to Grow your Business

Web scraping: automated data gathering from public sources

Because computers are so good at processing and analyzing big chunks of information, data analytics teams that utilize web scraping have become inseparable parts of every business. Even in smaller markets, companies use web scraping to analyze competitors and create the most attractive deals. Also, because clients can use the same tools, tech-savvy customers apply them to save money and buy services only from the best providers.

The utilization of algorithms for rapid data collection is a legal and common practice. Still, many companies put a lot of effort to make their websites hard to scrape. You might not face these obstacles in every instance, but creating them is necessary for website protection. Web scrapers that send too many requests get banned not for data collection, but for slowing down the website’s loading speed.

For successful web scraping, the user has to create a system that ensures efficient, automated data collection and believable human behavior simulation. To get the most out of this process, we need to put an IP address under the stress of serious data requesting. Scraping leads to bans, and taking it slow to avoid them is not worth it. Thankfully, we have residential proxies – the best tools that help maintain efficiency and avoid blacklists or shadowbans.

If you are looking for a proxy provider, you’ll have no problem choosing one from the many best residential proxy lists. A wide variety of options helps to find a proxy that suits your needs. However, for scraping and other profitable activities, we recommend using only residential proxies. VPNs or data center proxies, which are bound to be blocked in bulk, get easily discovered and banned. Residential proxies being IP addresses of real mobile and desktop devices, they provide higher quality data access. These networks are at least 2,000% larger than data center proxy networks, which makes them have a global reach for penetrating the truly global data market that’s evaluated at upwards of $36 billion.

When done right, data collection can be a very profitable business, but we can increase profits with proxy networks. Scraping prices, leads, or other information to create data sets for sale is a great opportunity to earn money. However, with residential proxies, profits from web scraping operations increase by 300% due to higher quality data and faster data acquisition.


Reselling limited release sneakers

A topic that might be surprising for beginner proxy users, limited sneaker cops are very profitable and competitive. Without proper tools, some sneakerheads can barely get a pair of desired shoes.

Residential proxies give you an advantage when hitting limited sneaker drops. Because you can use multiple proxies to send countless requests to the website, the chance of getting multiple pairs becomes much higher.

Even if you are buying sneakers for yourself, getting your hands on multiple pairs can help you earn a lot of money with reselling opportunities. Sneaker drops are a great way for sneakerheads to generate additional income with residential proxies.


Residential social media proxies

Social media is no longer just space for people to share their lives and interact with each other. Because so many people spend too much time and even develop addictions to social networks, they have also become business platforms. Without a respectable social media presence, new businesses stand a chance to take the next big step and strengthen their position in the market.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms develop specific algorithms that increase the discoverability of pages based on the relevance, generated traffic, and general interest of real visitors.

Nevertheless, there are still millions of bots and fake social media accounts that get manipulated to boost digital marketing campaigns. The platforms keep implementing additional security measures to eliminate bots, but their efforts do not yield many results. Fake accounts used for marketing purposes are still present and very active.

However, users that run and manage multiple social media accounts on one IP address get easily discovered and banned. Controlling multiple bots from the same source is an instant red flag, which leads to a suspension. In order to create a network of bots that are capable of boosting social media accounts, we have to use residential proxies. When requests come from IPs scattered across the world, the algorithm struggles at detecting bots.

If you are planning to make money on the internet, residential proxies are the necessary tools to have at your disposal. Such important tasks as data collection from public sources are too inefficient and punishing with a proxy network. Find a good provider that offers fast and stable proxies for a reasonable price and ensures the safety and security of your data. The opportunities you get from a residential proxy are bound to increase your profits.

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