Content Marketing is More Important Than Ever. Here’s Why.

It’s the middle of 2016. The content marketing trends are changing. Along with the changes in the digital realm, the generation of content has been constantly transforming.

The quality vs. quantity in content marketing has been seeing a thorough change. With many content providers from millions of websites, content users are now in the mood of filtering information, scrutinizing details and hence, determining the quality of the content as opposed to ingesting different information from various websites at one time, only to be left with indecision, confusion and information overload.

Content marketing is always evolving. It is now about quality, quality and quality.

Once upon time, SEO and content marketing were separate determinants for search engines to be indexed for certain keywords. It was more about the volume of content and the number of links for content websites to gain the lead in target keywords and rank in search engine results pages. But now, quality content is marked with more importance thanks to Google’s update on algorithms in its search engine.

Content marketing is about relevance.

Relevant content marketing surpasses the lowly king of content and marketing. I remember way back 5 years ago, it was about the marriage of content and marketing that drove blog sites and content websites to gain ground (and more sales) from their audience and customers.

content is king

Content is the king while marketing is the royal spouse in the endeavor of capturing the audience and gaining potential leads and, ultimately, sales.

But this time around, the regal force of relevance brings the might.

Again, it all boils down to quality of the content to attract more users and retain audience.

Content marketing is now more visual than ever.

“Text-y” content in a blog post can bring down a blog site.

Users are now more into visual posts where images provide translation to texts and vice versa.

With so many competing websites catering to the same or similar target audience, content providers are seeking strategic ways to entice readers and consumers to their websites.

After all, content is not only referring to text. It also pertains to an image or animated visual.

Content marketing encourages interactive generation of contents from website users.

User experience is one of the trends in content marketing this year. It is now part of the job description of content generators to attract users and be more engaging in their posts.

Many online shopping websites now compel users to provide reviews on products that they buy. Reviews are important factors in the buying decision of online shoppers.

The integration of the comment section, though the practice is as old as the pioneers of blog sites and content websites, is still very important for content marketers to learn the sentiments and suggestions that would help improve their products, services and content.

Content marketing is the pillar of inbound marketing. It goes with SEO and Social Media.

Search engine optimization now relies on content to better improve the website’s search engine ranking. The better the quality of the content; the better its chances to get more site visits.

Meanwhile, social media marketing depends on content to make the social media pages updated. A page cannot exist without content. And for content marketers, the social media is one of the platforms to drive users to be more engaged for the intentions of brand building, sustainability and revenue generation.

At the end of the day…

Content marketing is ranked highly in the importance scale in digital marketing.
Email marketing campaign cannot beget success if content marketing strategies are not applied. Social media page requires content for it to attract a following.

Positive messages can be carried in blogs and websites but their impact cannot be attained if no content marketing strategies are implemented.

How important is content marketing?

It’s now as important as oxygen. For a website to thrive, compete and sustain itself, it needs the right content marketing skill sets, tactics and strategies. For the content website to survive, it requires improved quality content. For an online shopping to gain sales, it is imperative to apply content marketing strategies that work, attract and effectively bring in customers.

Chief of Business Possibilities
Bjorn Bernales is an award-winning social media advocate, blogger of, and Chief of Content of www. He is also the Chief of Business Possibilites of eStratmedia – an Online Reputations Management company,