ROI-Driven Digital Marketing Strategies for eCommerce Startups

With the cut-throat competition in the eCommerce sector, marketing can be a challenge, especially to startups. Not forgetting the long-winded, draining process of establishing an eCommerce business in general.

Starting a business from scratch and getting it to run can be mentally-taxing and financially demanding. Before you even think of how to market your business, you may need to take the necessary steps such as evaluating your idea, creating a business plan, and choosing a product to sell. You may also need to obtain your product, research your competition, create a logo, and name your business. In addition to implementing these steps, devising an ROI-driven digital marketing strategy can be a plus to your business.

Considering all the noise in the market, standing out and capturing the attention of your customers isn’t easy. That is why employing an effective digital marketing campaign is critical to help grab the attention of your intended audience.

The most important aspect of a digital marketing strategy is your eCommerce SEO and how you optimize your content. Ultimately, you need to create relevant, informative, and timely content that resonates with your customers. Also, remember that developing quality content can help your website rank top in search engines to increase your sales.

That said, here are some of the most ROI-Driven Digital Marketing Strategies every eCommerce startup should keep in mind.

ROI-Driven Digital Marketing Strategies for eCommerce Startups

Run Promotions and Give Away Products

Since your business is young and new, the chances are that it won’t beat big and established brands out of the gate. But there are plenty of strategies you can employ to increase your brand visibility in the market. Some of the most common include creating regular promotions and even giving away your products for free to customers. This can help attract huge masses, increasing your customer base.

Your customers may also be enticed to give positive reviews and glowing testimonials in exchange for the free goodies. Another great alternative to boosting your eCommerce startup is through hosting the giveaways on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Develop an Email List

Building your email list is another excellent ROI-driven digital marketing strategy for your eCommerce. It can help reach your targeted audience and increase traffic to your website.

Remember that if someone is willing to give their email to you, they might be interested in your product or service, making it easier to turn them into customers. Plus, email allows you to mention other important details that may not fit in a social media post. You can use that opportunity to explain more about your product or service, tell prospects of a new product you intend to launch, or even notify them of any updates.

Promote User-generated Content

Online customers are great believers of what they see or hear from others, rather than what you tell them. They also tend to pay less attention to traditional marketing methods such as radio and TV. This means that they will put more trust in user-generated content such as ratings, reviews, and photos.

Ideally, most online shoppers look for first-hand experience from consumers who have already used a particular product. They believe that user ratings and reviews are more credible and authentic than any other form of advertising.

Create an Affiliate Program

If done in the right way, affiliate marketing can enormously grow your business. Affiliate marketing and joint venture campaigns can help encourage other marketers to sell on your behalf. These campaigns create a win-win situation where affiliate marketers get their commission while you gain more customers and sales.

Furthermore, some experienced affiliate marketers may already be having large email lists. So by awarding them some commission, they can help get the heavy load off your shoulder. Meanwhile, you can focus on creating other campaigns to grow your ecommerce store.

Launch Your eCommerce on Multiple Platforms

One of the most dangerous mistakes you can make as a startup is depending on a single platform to market your business. There is a good chance that your customers or prospects use different platforms to shop. To capture their attention, you need to be present on multiple platforms to make it easier for them to reach your products.

Fortunately, there are several digital hosting platforms like Shopify, eBay, Amazon, and Etsy. These platforms can help increase your brand awareness as well as drive massive traffic to your website.

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