How Marketers Can Walk New Clients Through Their Campaigns

Before a marketing campaign gets underway, it first has to be approved by clients or company executives. Marketers often have to make a presentation or walk their new clients through a campaign plan before they can start the real work.

Want to know how to walk your new clients through your campaigns successfully without getting bogged down in details or getting a flat rejection? Let’s break down some smart strategies you can employ starting today.

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Keep the Campaign’s Details Goal-Related

Every piece of information you present should tie in to an overall goal, whatever it is your client needs from your marketing campaign. Each slide, statement, or marketing objective should eventually wrap back around and be about generating more profits, driving consumer engagement, or increasing brand visibility.

But even though you might know that this is the case for your marketing campaign presentation, your client may not. To this end, make sure that you clearly identify how each piece of your campaign contributes to their overall objective. 

Use a Visual Aids

Whenever you’re presenting a new marketing campaign to a client or to a boss, it’s important to utilize visual aids. Visual aids are some of the best ways to present complex numerical data by compressing it into easily graspable graphs, conclusions, and images.

It’s always recommended that you have a high-quality client dashboard or data display platform for each marketing presentation you give.

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Plan

No plan is perfect, and your clients know it. Therefore, you should clearly identify your plan’s strengths and weaknesses in detail during your presentation. As you walk through your campaign, outlining any potential weak spots can give your clients an opportunity to offer feedback. It’ll also show that you’re aware of future difficulties or frustrations they might encounter during execution.

Even better, identifying weaknesses early can help you correct those weaknesses as your campaign rolls out. It’s better to be honest in all things, ultimately. 

Don’t Bombard the Client with Information Overload

Even the most statistics-friendly clients probably don’t want to be overloaded with information, like user statistics or tons of numerical metrics. Overloading them with information is the best way to get them to fall asleep and not pay attention to your marketing campaign walkthrough.

Instead, rely on the aforementioned visual aids to break things down into easily digestible information and to make sure that everything you say is understood clearly by your client. Furthermore, try to leave any unnecessary details out unless specifically pressed for them by your client.

Share Successful Examples

Your client may not initially be enthused about your marketing campaign walkthrough for one reason or another. One of the best ways to get them on your side and convince them of your campaign’s worthiness is to show success stories, whether they are from your own experience or from campaigns for competitors or other businesses.

Successful examples can help convince executives of the viability of a given marketing plan more than any statistic or datasheet. It might help to come up with these successful examples before your presentation instead of scrambling for one when asked.

Ultimately, marketers can walk new clients through their campaigns efficiently and successfully by following the above tips. Be sure to consider these strategies for your own presentations – you’ll likely see a much more positive response.

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