Ecommerce Tips for a Post-Covid World

The world has been irrevocably changed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and we have yet to realize to what extent. One of the industries that has evolved the most is certainly ecommerce.

If you run an ecommerce store, you might be wondering what the world has in store after the pandemic is over. While we certainly can’t make any definite predictions, we can base our recommendations on the trends we’ve seen emerging in 2020. Let’s take a look:

Ecommerce Tips for a Post-Covid World

Security as Your Number One Priority

Consumers have been making good use of online stores in light of lockdowns. Consequently, even those who have never previously made an online order have also learned a thing or two about how the world of ecommerce works.

Shoppers now know that the security of their data should never be compromised, no matter how complicated it might be for you to set up certificates and systems that protect their personal information at all times.

Websites that are not 100% secure and trustworthy will be seeing much less revenue, so if there are any outstanding issues you have not yet tackled, now is the time to do so.

How You Keep Track of Inventory Becomes More Important

Inventory management has always played a crucial role in ecommerce sales. Whether you store your inventory on-site or rent a space, whether you work with a seller like Amazon or run your own store, knowing what stock you have left is critically important. Shoppers want to know that the item they have ordered will arrive and that they won’t be unpleasantly surprised by an out-of-stock notification.

Tracking your inventory meticulously – with the aid of clever software – should be another one of your 2021 goals.

You might also want to consider consignment inventory, especially if you’re unsure how a product will fare with your customers.

Precise Delivery Dates Boost Sales

Whether you handle your own deliveries or work with an external company, the more precise you can get with the date of delivery, the better. No matter what they’re ordering, shoppers want to know (among other things) when their order will arrive so that they can be at home to take possession of their parcel.

In order to make your ecommerce venture a success, work on establishing as precise delivery dates as possible, especially in your local area. International orders will remain less certain for a while still, but what you can do locally to satisfy your customer’s need for information and precise dates can help boost your value and trustworthiness.

You can offer perks such as:

  • text message notifications about the status of a delivery
  • the option of choosing a specific delivery time
  • a location where shoppers can personally pick up their deliveries if that suits them more, etc.

Personalized Shopping in a Depersonalized World

What a lot of shoppers miss most about the experience is being able to browse, try items out, smell them, touch them, and see how they would fit into their lifestyle.

While ecommerce can’t quite offer the same experience, there is plenty you can do to personalize shopping with you and make your customers feel valued.

Start by offering personalized recommendations for items. There are dozens of ways to approach this, so make sure you have the software in place that will place interesting items on your shoppers’ radar.

Offer personalized discounts, freebies, free delivery, birthday gifts, and so on. Sometimes, a simple gesture can go a very long way.

You can also offer free returns – especially if you sell items like clothing, footwear, jewelry, or any other item that a customer may not be able to imagine before seeing it in person. If they can try it and only hold on to what they like, sending the rest back with no additional cost, they will be much more likely to make a purchase.

Final Thoughts

Even after the pandemic is over, ecommerce will remain a preferred way to shop for many. After all, it’s easy, there are no time constrictions, and it provides the comfort and leisure in-person shopping can’t quite match. By implementing some of the advice from this post, you’ll be able to satisfy your customers’ needs in the year ahead and grow your store further.

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