Exploring The Advantages Of Interactive Training For Atlassian Users

The whole training and the efforts towards meaningful collaboration are worth your time when you’ve chosen a high-quality course. More so, a training course is said to be high quality if its teachings can actually be executed in the real-life current and future scenarios of business.

Also, when it comes to fulfilling the needs of various teams, there are several delivery methods to support all needs. The knowledge delivery methods are, for example:

  • On-site assistance
  • Pre-recorded lectures
  • Interactive sessions

You may feel the above three are the same, but technically these three methods are very different from one another. Let’s have a look at each one by one.

Exploring the Advantages of Interactive Training for Atlassian Users


This type of delivery takes place when the instructor personally goes to the site of work. There this trainer meets the attendees and delivers the course contents in an in person interaction.

Live Virtual

The difference between an on-site and live virtual course delivery session is that in a live session, the course teacher is not present on-site. The lecture delivery is done through a video communication platform such as Skype, Zoom etc.

To conduct virtual classes, there’s no need to visit the place of work. 


In this method of lecture delivery, a lecture can be taken anytime as it is already recorded. The recorded videos are sent to the users online, where they can download the video clips and access whenever they want.

The great thing about pre-recorded sessions is that these lectures can be accessed by anyone at any time they want. Moreover, the freedom to pause, play, replay and slow the video gives the Atlassian user complete control to take the lecture at their own pace and understand the concepts properly. However, the downside is that one cannot ask any questions just as they would while taking a live virtual lecture or in an on-site lecture.


In this scenario, the lecture can be both via live video or on-site. The good thing about the interactive sessions is that the attendees are encouraged to ask questions – making the session interactive with two-way interaction.

The Benefit of Training from an Atlassian Partner

Being trained by Atlassian professionals means you get the practical experience and knowledge at hand.  Be it an on-site training, or live video training, the experience is enjoyable for the attendees and is full of knowledge. All this increases the chances of users remembering the knowledge and skills better.

Bonus Tip

Now that we’ve explored the advantages of interactive training sessions – let’s also understand the benefits of purchasing your licenses with Atlassian partners.

Professional Assistance in Licensing

It also happens that some licensing quotes take longer. And the amount of time it takes to get licensing quotes depends on different factors such as different types of tools, apps etc. The Atlassian certified professionals stay by your side to help you understand and get answers to all your answers – which ultimately makes the process swift. An Atlassian partner helps in the swift licensing of market apps by negotiating with the vendors.

Dedicated Support throughout the Process

Apart from taking care of all the aspects in the licensing phase of the tools you need, your Atlassian partners will be actively available to provide consultation. They pay keen attention to your needs and keep track of the expiration dates of your license renewal date. They stay diligent and approach you whenever there are renewals or changes to be made.

Planning Done In Line with Your Business Strategy

Your Atlassian partner will not just take care of the licensing process, but also give heed to the long-term strategizing that’s in line with your business processes.

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