How Do You Prove Sexual Harassment In Your Workplace?

If you ever have been a victim of sexual harassment, you might want to demand compensation. However, it is not that easy to get; you will have to show evidence that gives support to prove that you went through sexual harassment.

Though it is possible to win the case with just your testimony and nothing else, with proper proof or pieces of evidence, you can strengthen your case and easily breeze through. You will only need to follow all the steps and arrange your documents correctly and be as credible as possible.

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Types of Sexual Harassment

There are generally two types of sexual harassment:

  • Quid Pro Quo
    It is about “something for something.” You can get the job or get a promotion, etc. if you are willing to be involved in a sexual act.
  • Hostile Work Environment
    It is when you are uncomfortable somewhere because of the behavior of the people around you. It could be about anything made sexualized, like your appearance, your personal life, relating you to pornographic images or ideas, asking out on dates, talking unnecessarily to you on sexual topics, or teasing you for your gender, etc.

How Can You Help Yourself and Stop the Harassment?

You can first take a few measures to see if it helps:

  • One-on-One Conversation
    You need to talk directly to the person who is harassing you about what you do not like and what they should change about themselves.
  • Involve Others
    You should make the people around you aware of it and let them see if they can do something.
  • Keep a Record
    You need to be believable before complaining about it. Take notes of every incident that happens with you, the conversations you have, the claims you make, etc.

The Process to Follow After a Sexual Harassment Incident

People who go through such experiences find themselves in trauma and complete shock afterwards. There is no specific gender that can be the victim of sexual harassment. The first thing you can do for yourself is to find a sexual harassment lawyer to receive legal help. After finding one, you will need to start working on harassment claims and make sure to meet all the legal requirements to proceed with the case.

What Evidence Should You Put Forward?

You need proper and convincing evidence to prove you have been harassed. Here is a list that can very well guide you on what to show to win the case:

  • Photos or videos of the harassment
  • Testimony from witnesses
  • The person’s complaints from the company, if any
  • Contact records like emails, phone calls, text messages, etc.
  • Employer’s written sexual harassment policies
  • Receipts of the expenses related to harassment
  • Personnel file

It is not easy to obtain all the records of the company even after requesting or paying for it. You will need an attorney’s help for it.

Applying for a Sexual Harassment Complaint

You indeed have to follow a proper procedure to file a sexual harassment claim against someone. If you do not get a response back for the protection from harassment, you can claim a charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission along with filing a legal complaint about the case. The EEOC will do the work for you, and if it does not attain the lawsuit for the harassed individual, then they will get a Right to Sue letter. It will enable the victim to file a federal claim.

To entitle the compensation for the sexual harassment you went through, you will have to have an expert attorney who can assist you and prove the charges. Find a lawyer who can responsibly gather witness and evidence, do all the paperwork, and make you win the case.

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