How to Decide What Business to Start

Starting your own business can be exciting. You can be your own boss, work your own hours, and have financial freedom. However, not every aspiring business owner knows the kind of business they want to start. If you need a helping hand in this area, here are a few factors to consider: 

How to Decide What Business to Start

From Scratch vs. Franchise

One of the most important factors to consider is whether you want to start your business from scratch or purchase a franchise. There can be pros and cons associated with each. For example, if you were to buy a LEGO franchise, you benefit from having an established brand, marketing, and guidelines to follow to help you experience success.

Starting a business from scratch can also be exciting since you can create your own brand and image. However, you have to build a client base from nothing, which can require a great deal of planning and marketing

Your Passions

Some business ideas are more profitable than others. However, even the most profitable business ideas won’t necessarily be a success if they don’t hold your passion. If you choose something you’re genuinely passionate about, your business may be better positioned to be profitable and successful. 

Time Availability

According to the latest business statistics, 35 is the average age to start a business. However, that doesn’t mean all business owners are around that age. You might decide to start one earlier or much later. 

Your age and time availability may determine the type of business you start. Some businesses can take a few years to become well-established. By then, you may be reaching retirement age or have plans to start a family and enjoy more work-life balance. Think carefully about how much time you will dedicate to your new venture.  

Industry Experience

You don’t need to have experience in a particular industry before buying a business within it. However, it certainly helps. Think about the sectors you have the most experience in and whether you’re passionate about those industries. 

However, not having experience doesn’t mean your business in that sector won’t be a success. You can hire outside experts and consultants and enjoy on-the-job training


In an ideal world, businesses could operate the same way over their many years in service. However, with technology, trends, and customer behaviors always changing, that doesn’t usually happen. As a result, it can be important to assess your business’s scalability before opening your doors for the first time.

Consider whether what you have to offer will be in demand now and in the future and whether you can scale up or down with minimal disruption to meet customer demand. The more scalable a business is, the more profitable it might be. 

Deciding what business to start can be challenging. You must consider multiple factors, such as your industry experience, passion, and time availability. You even have to consider whether buying a franchise or starting your own business makes more sense. However, once you’ve thought about these factors, you may find it much easier to launch a business that brings you years of success and profits.

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