CTV Advertising Business: How To Enhance Your Revenue Streams

Connected TV or CTV advertising has been around for a long while, yet now, as consumers switch from traditional TV to digital, its market infusion keeps growing and attracting brands of any scale. This comes as no surprise due to a number of key benefits a CTV ad can bring. Here are some of the most important ones:

  1. Precision targeting and the possibility to show custom ads to particular audiences is what makes it so efficient. Just for the record, every online action a customer takes produces data. So, why not take advantage of this data? In that way, every person views an ad he or she is most interested in. It’s a win-win scenario, both for the brand and for the customer.
  2. Since CTV ads are meant to encourage audiences to take action, they can provide you with maximum brand awareness and almost instant leads.
  3. It’s possible to measure the impact of all Connected TV campaigns with digital and traditional metrics in real-time. The results can be seen just after the advertisement campaign has started. On top of that, you can control and readjust your campaigns once you feel that there’s such a necessity. As consumer behaviors change, so do marketing strategies. Simply put, with OTT (over-the-top) advertisement, you can start, stop, resume, change campaigns at any time.
  4. Typically, CTV advertising is cost-effective as it gets seen by more than one person but paid for a single view. You know, watching TV is a shared experience in families and friends or across communities. The same goes for CTV.
  5. Due to innovative ad formats, CTV ads are more engaging, and as a result, more effective.

All in all, CTV ads bring precision targeting in a premium video environment and that’s why brands’ demand keeps on aggressive growth. Therefore, publishers simply can’t afford to pass by such an awesome opportunity and profitably monetize their advertising inventory.

A Supply-Side Platform or SaaS Ad Monetization Platform: Who Wins?

Today, when it comes to connected TV advertising for publishers, there are many supply-side platforms (SSPs) (also known as a sell-side platform) they can use. SSPs claim themselves to be publishers’ advocates, but actually, these supply-side platforms are not that effective because they can cut up to 30% of the publisher’s income, hiding real CPMs.

Luckily, publishers now have a smarter way to go. Rather than SSPs, publishers should turn their attention to the SaaS ad monetization platforms. TheViewPoint serves as a good example. Wondering about the benefits of an ad monetization platform? Consider the following advantages:

  • Publishers decide on the prices for their inventory and take full control over their monetization revenues. Said differently, no black boxes, and no 30% income cuts for the publishers, they are only a fixed tech fee away from ample monetization.
  • On top of that, publishers are offered advanced ad optimization capabilities to gain bigger revenue.
  • You can take full advantage of easy integration with VAST-tags and/or an SDK to start monetizing your inventory faster.
  • Finally, it’s easy to reach customers through multiple СTV environments, while not disrupting viewer experience.

As things stand today, connected TV advertising will only gain momentum in popularity as the number of its fans is constantly growing, and traditional television simply cannot withstand the competition, neither it can offer the advanced features CTV has up its sleeve. Such lie of the ground also suggests that many brands will keep on allocating their advertising budgets on CTV. That’s why, for profitable and transparent monetization, it’s crucial for publishers to switch to a SaaS ad monetization platform rather than take SSPs’ ‘black boxes’ on trust.

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