How to Maximize Customer Retention Using Salesforce

Salesforce is a one-of-a-kind software that can do a lot for your business, ranging from collecting more data on your consumers to advising you on your marketing efforts and more. However, Salesforce is in-depth enough that it can be tricky to make the most of its tools and maximize customer retention if you’re using this system without lots of experience.

It’s relatively easy to use Salesforce to get new customers. But it’s tougher to retain those customers over the long-term, thereby maximizing every marketing dollar spent.

Let’s break down how you can maximize your company’s customer retention using a few specific Salesforce strategies.

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Integrate for Customer Data Access

In many organizations, marketing and sales teams have to use separate data sets to come to conclusions and form plans. This can result in a lot of intra-organizational tension.

But you don’t have to deal with this. Instead, you can integrate your data silos and streamline data access for both teams, making sure that everyone in your organization gets data from the same primary source. Salesforce allows you to do this right out of the box by integrating, for example, Hubspot Marketing or Zendesk, or RingCentral for Salesforce with its own data sets.

That way, everyone on your team has a transparent data funnel, allowing marketing, customer service, and sales teams to fully understand your consumers and how your current efforts are panning out. More data sharing across all your teams means your sales and marketing efforts will be more likely to stick with your customers.

Hire a Salesforce Consultant

You may also want to consider hiring a Salesforce consulting expert. RTS Labs provides such a service; it’s perfect for organizations who need some extra insight or strategy to leverage Salesforce to the best effect, whether it’s engineering an effective marketing campaign for long-term customers or determining the best way to personalize advertising messages to truly connect with new consumers.

Even better, Salesforce consultants can help to integrate Salesforce more deeply with your existing business tools. In other words, they’ll ensure that Salesforce works perfectly for your business no matter its industry or niche.

Personalize Experiences Based on Customer Data

Salesforce’s biggest advantage is arguably the level of personalized data you can collect on your target consumers. Use this to the max and integrate all available data with Salesforce, then use the platform to figure out how your consumers act and get a thorough grasp for each unique customer relationship.

You can then use that customer data to create personalized experiences, such as marketing emails that are tailored to their interests or needs. Customers are much more likely to stick with your brand and even stop by your online shop if your email newsletters recommend items that are personalized for their favorite things.

Leverage Social Media

Social media is arguably the best avenue for marketing these days – use it! Fortunately, Salesforce allows you to view customer social profiles on its primary dashboard. This allows you to target specific consumers for retention, plus make sure that your marketing teams are staying up-to-date with their content production across all major social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, and more.

All of this can improve customer retention, particularly with customers that are one-time buyers for your brand so far.

Track Customer Interactions

Lastly, Salesforce can allow you to track customer interactions. For example, Salesforce can tell you if someone hasn’t been to your site in six months or more (hint: that’s a big sign you’re losing that customer!). Salesforce allows you to search through all your consumers in this way and sort them appropriately.

With this information, you can then come up with marketing or retention plans to draw in previous customers once more and redouble your efforts to retain them.

Bottom line

Salesforce is the perfect platform for maximizing customer retention, provided you use the strategies above. Good luck!

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