Could an Infographic Get Attention for Your New Business?

In the early stages of a startup or new enterprise, it’s critical that you generate attention for your company. You can do this by building a following on social media and using more traditional advertising techniques. But what about the content you’re creating? Depending on your industry, you can create a variety of marketing content — including infographics — to show what’s special about your business and get some attention for your budding enterprise.

Why Infographics Are Amazing for New Businesses

9 Steps for Starting a Business infographics

No other type of marketing content combines text, data, and colorful graphics in as memorable a way as infographics. Like the image above shows, there’s plenty of room for playfulness, color, and illustrations in this type of content.
As a new business, you might not have enough data about your accomplishments to create an infographic about market accomplishments or company progress — subjects that established companies often use to showcase their growth and attract investors. However, you can still use infographics to highlight your business’s unique value. For example, startups can create an infographic that introduces an industry problem and explains why the business is in a unique position to solve it.

How to Make an Infographic

Making an infographic might seem complicated, but you can find plenty of free tools and templates to help you create this kind of content. These tools are affordable, and most templates have drag-and-drop functionality that lets you add and modify charts, graphs, and visual content.

Free tools are great when you’re working with simple information, but you won’t have as much control over how you present your data. The availability of free templates also means that DIY designers sometimes create content that doesn’t look unique. An agency, on the other hand, can guarantee that your infographic looks totally one of a kind.

There are plenty of other factors to consider if you need help deciding between infographic makers. It’s also possible to mix free and premium sources to get the content you need.

Other Types of Marketing Content to Consider

Infographics are a powerful way to express data, but you have other options at your disposal. Your data may be too straightforward to warrant presenting it in this way. If you only have a few simple but powerful points to make, surrounding your data with colors and graphics could make it harder to process.

Luckily, there are plenty of alternatives that might be more suitable than an infographic. Plus, it’s a good idea to use a variety of content as you build your presence online and in the local community. For example, a simple data point illustrating something your company has achieved can be shared easily via social media, in a press release, or on your website. Other content options include simple charts and graphs, long-form content like articles and blogs, and niche content like case studies, white papers, and e-books.

Infographics are a fantastic way to show your business’ value. If this type of content sounds promising to you, take a look at the free tools and other resources that can help you present your information in an unforgettable way.

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