Key Tips for Managing Your Emails and Why It’s Important

If you’ve recently started your very own business and you’re focusing all your attention on building your follower count on social networks like Instagram and Twitter but haven’t taken a moment to think about your email marketing plan, this is your wake-up call to stop, take a moment to re-think your strategy and hear what we have to say to you.

In recent times, there’s been a growing distaste for email marketing, simply because most people (including yourself, perhaps) immediately unsubscribe from any marketing email you receive, or at least divert it to spam.

However, you might be surprised to know that there’s a comparatively high number of users who actually use the product more, simply because of the regular emails and newsletters they receive that really captivate them or catch their eye. In this article, we’ll take a look at the key tips you’ll need to know when managing emails for your company, and why this is important, especially when you’re trying your best to build a strong customer base in a new and up and coming company, now let’s get started!

  • A Happy Customer Becomes a Brand Evangelist

If you really want your product or brand to flourish, you need to focus on each individual customer and find the best ways to cater to their experience using your product. This is the only way in which you can ensure that your customers fall in love with the experience that you give them, which will make them brand evangelists in the future, as they’ll be able to organically get you more traffic and a larger customer base just through word-of-mouth and social media exposure.

So, how do you make a customer happy?

For starters, you need to give them a great product. But more than that, you need to ensure that you follow up and keep track of their experience because you’re not going to know where you need to improve your product or service without their feedback. One way in which you can keep a tab open on the thoughts and feelings of your customers is through emails. However, this isn’t as simple as it sounds, because receiving and replying to a couple of emails is very different from managing the continuous inflow of emails from about 100-1000 customers. This is why you’ll need to invest in good email management software to ensure that your sales and marketing teams can keep track of all the emails you receive, and also get back to the customers who have specific issues with resolutions.

  • Categorize your Emails

Instead of having all your emails in one place and sifting through a 100 to find just one, categorize your emails using filters. This way, you’ll be able to separate and keep track of various emails, whether they’re feedback, questions, complaints, or anything else that you may receive from your customers.

  • Use Templates

Make sure you save time and energy wherever possible, especially when there are repetitive emails that you have to send the same answer to. Categorize such emails that are constantly repeated and create templates for them. This way, you can re-use the same templates whenever you get a question or email that’s relevant to the template you’ve created. Not only will you save a lot of time and energy with good templates, but you’ll also make the customer feel great by giving them immediate responses and not making them wait for hours to get a simple doubt or questions answered.

Using these tips, you’ll be able to manage your inbox like a pro in no time!

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