7 Essential Tips for Promoting your Business at an Event

In this highly competitive market, your business’s exposure is an important factor for its success. You need to get your company’s name out there to let the people – your prospect partners or customers – know that you exist. Promoting your business takes a lot of time, effort, money, and creativity. One effective way to get a lot of exposure is to promote your business at various events.

Networking is essential for every business. It allows you to meet new people and win customers. Fortunately, there are several local events where you can build a network of people who can help your company succeed. Events like conferences, reunions, fairs, festivals, and other types of gatherings are a good chance to display event banners and promote your brand.

Make sure to follow these seven essential tips for promoting your business at an event:

  • Research Local Events

You need to stay up to date on the upcoming events in your area. One of the best ways to research local events is through your local business associations.

You can also check the nearby schools and universities for any relevant gatherings. Make sure to get in touch with other businesses that are not your direct competitors to see if you can collaborate. The possibilities are endless. You just need to be patient and persistent. Just make sure that the expected participants are also what your business seeks to meet.

  • Become a Sponsor

Once you find an event with the right participants, get in touch with the organisers to know how you can collaborate. Becoming a sponsor for the said event is one way of getting your company involved. Don’t forget to set a budget – remember, this should fall under your marketing activities so it’s crucial to ensure you have a realistic budget to make this promotion successful.

  • Hold a Booth

If the event organisers and your marketing budget allow, holding a booth where you can display your products or an information area for your services is an effective way to entice prospective customers to your business. It’s best if you can have a handful of flyers or brochures ready, complete with your contact information and business location. Ask if you can sell your products directly during the event. If your business is service-based, instead of selling products, you can sell gift certificates or perhaps give discounts if they book in advance during the event.

  • Provide Giveaways or Freebies

You can go one step farther with your promotional activities by providing freebies to the participants who buy your products or book your services during the event. This is an effective experiential marketing strategy to help your brand be remembered even after the event. There are different options to consider – from simple bookmarks, customised pens, or silicone wristbands with your business name and brand logo.

Be prudent when choosing which type of freebie to giveaway and ensure that they fit your budget. Important tip: check different suppliers first and compare prices before you make an order. You can shop silicone wristbands in the UK at reasonable rates – with different colors and creative designs available, depending on your taste.

  • Send the Right People

It’s important to choose the right people to man your booth and promote your business, especially if you can’t be there all the time. Employees who are outgoing, confident, and those with pleasing personalities can comfortably approach strangers and draw people to your booth. Remember, your front-liners are responsible for your brand’s reputation. Choose carefully.

  • Help Market the Event

Since you are now officially part of the event, it will do you more good than harm if you also make an effort to market the event to the people within your network. Begin the work not during the event but before it happens. Share it on your social media pages, invite your existing customers and friends, post the event poster in your store. The more people who attend the gathering, the more exposure you will get.

  • Network, Network, Network

Don’t forget to gather the contact information of the participants and you can begin to get in touch with them two weeks after the event. Update them about your products and services, especially if you have certain promos which they may find interesting. Keep in touch with them as much as possible, but without being annoying. Repeat this process as necessary and expand your network regularly.

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