The Best Locations To Hang Your Compliance Posters

Being an employer has its corresponding responsibilities, which your state regulates. It means you need to comply with such, or else you’ll find yourself in a lawsuit or liabilities. One example of such regulation is posting your compliance posters.

Compliance posters are simply federal workplace posters that consist of information that concerns the well-being of your employees. The information contained in these posters may include minimum wages, leaves, employees’ rights to protection laws, etc. The state dictates that it is a must to have these compliance posters in your workplace to keep your employees informed.

According to state regulations on where these compliance posters must be displayed, they must be in places where your employees can readily see them. The best places to post them are the following:

  1. Pantry
  2. One of the most conspicuous areas in your workplace is the pantry, right? Well, not only do most of your employees, if not all, go in and out of your kitchen area, but it’s where they get their essentials. From coffee to water to heating their pre-packed lunches, your workplace’s pantry is one of the most visited areas at work.

    It is even the area where they spend more time aside from their workstations. That’s why it’s best to hang the labor law posters in your pantry.

    However, you should post it in its appropriate size and not just a tiny poster on the wall. Don’t worry about the interiors as you can make your posters fit your pantry’s design. You can even make it one of your vibrant decors.

    For instance, if your pantry has a black and white motif, you can make your compliance poster in red or other bright colors. Not only will it give life to the pantry, but it’s also eye-catching. This way, you’ll get your employees to read what’s on it.

  3. Time Clock Area
  4. Another place to hang your compliance posters is the section where your employees check-in and out. Not only should you use your time clock area to monitor your employees’ time, but you can also use it to remind your employees of important information, such as their rights and privileges.

    Since it’s the first thing they go to before they proceed in their workstation, they’ll see the posters early in the morning. While time clocks reassure you of a fair calculation between their time and managing their payroll, your clock area also serves as your ‘information desk.’

    Especially when your employees line up taking turns to time in or out, they’ll have something to see and read while waiting. Those are your compliance posters. For example, you can hang your special minimum wage poster and leave poster.

  5. Common Room
  6. Aside from taking their breaks in your pantry, the common room is where your employees can take a nap or bring out their stress. Depending on the type of workplace that you have, having a common room where your employees can relax is essential. For instance, a common area with comfortable seating can help them rest for a while. Other examples are common areas that are designed to take your employees’ minds off of their work for a moment.

    While your employees are lounging on your common room, they can use this time to read your compliance posters. To keep them feeling that they’re in a relaxing area, you should post the ones promoting equality and fairness in your workplace.

    For instance, the Equal Employment Opportunity poster or Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act poster can do. Also, letting them know that you comply with regulation compliance will assure them of their safety at work.

  7. Reception Area
  8. Aside from the time clock area where they visit before and after their work hours, your employees also probably frequently visit your reception or greeting areas. This part of your workplace can serve as your employees’ waiting area or lounging area. Or it’s even more of a place where your would-be employees stay during the hiring process.

    Thus, you should post your compliance posters like the Fair Labor Standards Act poster, occupational safety, and health act poster, or other employees’ rights act posters. By posting these in your waiting areas, the applicants will know what to expect from you. If they know you’re complying with the laws, then the more encouraged they will be to work with you.

There you have it, the best locations to post your compliance posters. If you’ve got more places in your workplace where your employees frequently stay, then you can post them there, too. But it’s essential to hang your compliance posters from your pantry area to your waiting area so that both applicants and employees are able to see them. Next to these places should be your common area and time clock area.

Home » Entrepreneur » Business Tips » The Best Locations To Hang Your Compliance Posters
Miriam Bais is a business consultant who specializes in providing HR services to small and new entrepreneurs. Miriam advises her clients on how they can manage and administer HR-related policies and procedures. Miriam also handles other facets of HR in businesses, which can include job analysis, labor relations and performance management. Miriam spends her leisure time by writing HR-related articles online.