The Best Tips to Boost Email Click-through Rate

There is a lot of thought and effort placed in creating an email campaign and drafting each email. The purpose is to ensure your potential readers or prospects click-through the email. If you cannot get the desired click-through rates, then your email marketing campaign is not yielding the desired results.

Did you know that subject lines with emojis have a 56% higher click-through rates than regular subject lines; 35% of business professionals check their emails on their mobile devices; and people are more likely to open their email at 11 am? There is more.

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When you create an email marketing campaign, you should do this keeping your click-through rates in mind. Why? Because if you are not reaching your target audience, your efforts are in vain. So, here are the best tips to boost email click-through rates while crafting your email marketing campaign.

Work hard on your subject line

The subject line is the first contact point with your email. If it interests your reader, they will click-through; if not, they will move on. You could draft the best email and create the perfect email signature with banner but if your subject line does not attract the attention of your reader then all that effort will not be appreciated.

So, work hard on that subject line. The global unsubscribe rate is 0.1%, so chances are your emails are reaching your prospect’s inbox. Almost 70% of potential readers of your email will mark it as spam based on the subject line.

So, give your subject line the required attention it deserves. Draft something that piques the interest of your readers and entice them to open your message. Make it informative and create a sense of vitality, which will make your potential readers feel like they might miss out if they do not open your email.

With all this in mind, you can draft a subject line that triggers a better click-through rate.

Write a short but interesting body

Chances are once your reader has opened your email, they are interested in the content. Keep it that way by drafting a high-quality, short, succinct, and interesting body.

When you write an email copy, make sure it has a call-to-action and a clear takeaway. If you reward your readers with a call-to-action with their click-through, then you have done the job right.

Do not take the body of your email lightly, invest the required time in researching your target audience. This way you will ensure you can personalize the content and help the readers get what they want, rather than feeding what you want them to hear.

There is a lot of statistics out there but the topmost determinant in email click-through rates is relevant content.

Simply personalizing emails and making them relevant increases the click-through rate by 139%. Personalize the content and segment it based on your target market groups and enjoy better click-through rates.

Make your email signature professional

An email click-through rate is your gateway to the effectiveness of your content. Do not take this lightly. Create an email signature that will help you measure your click-through engagement and tweak your campaign efforts accordingly.

Professional email signatures aid your email content and give you an opportunity to highlight any necessary business offers or attractions in a non-aggressive manner.

Ask yourself, what is the real purpose of your professional email signature? Chances are the purpose is to click on the relevant links. If this is the case, then remove any unnecessary distractions and focus on the truly valuable aspects of your email signature and build on that.

Some email signature marketing campaigns have up to 3% click-through rates, but this number can mean a lot, given the potential target audience is often in millions. So, make your email signature professional and make it benefit your email marketing efforts.

Add some visuals

Visuals have a 650% higher engagement rate than plain text. As a result, more and more marketers are shifting their focus to creating visuals. While it is not advisable to overdo visuals, it is definitely a good idea to mix up your email marketing campaign with pictures when they better illustrate your point.

GIFs, videos, behind-the-scenes clips, infographics, or any personalized visual content with a clear brand identity and message is a good idea for improved click-through rates and content engagement.

The purpose is to mix it up so that your readers are always enticed by your content and value the information you are sharing with them. Just make sure that the size of your email is undercheck and compatible for your readers to open from all devices.

Keep it simple, fun, and make sure you include your brand logo for brand recall.

Use distinct CTAs

A call-to-action can make or break your email marketing efforts. Just imagine, you get a bunch of messages with no clear takeaway, would you be interested? Chances are the answer is no. Remind yourself of this when you are creating a call-to-action.

Draft good content and find the perfect place for your call-to-action. Call-to-actions that are placed at the bottom of your message have much higher click-through rates than the ones placed on the right or left.

You could even have multiple call-to-actions to entice your readers. Regardless of how you craft your call-to-action and place it, make sure you use a button, as buttons are visible even if people have disabled email images.

Your email click-through rate gives you an insight into the percentage of clicks from the pool of people you contacted. So, a higher click-through rate means your email is well-received, while a lower one indicates lower relevance.

Regardless of where your click-through rates stand, it is always best to keep working on them and improve them. Apply the best tips above to help you boost your email click-through rates.

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