Why Digital Marketing Strategies Need Visual Content

Content is often referred to as the king when it comes to digital marketing. Ever since the internet’s inception, companies and individuals have tried to stand out from the rest.

And it is the internet that dictates the trends. Video content has seen a significant surge in popularity, and it does not look like that is going away any time soon.

Infographics, videos, animated presentations, and even something as simple as an uml diagram can be the difference-maker between a successful marketing campaign and a waste of money.

But what makes visual content so popular? Well, there are multiple reasons. This article will cover the most important elements of visual content and how to take advantage of it.

Why Digital Marketing Strategies Need Visual Content

Reason #1 – Raising Brand Awareness

Social Science Research Network has published a study that revealed how 65% of people are visual learners. In other words, it is easier to retain information when you watch videos or look at pictures instead of reading a wall of text.

Surviving as a business just on sheer marketing efforts is not enough. While you can get an influx of new customers regularly, it is not the best approach, especially in a competitive niche.

Standing out from the competition should be one of the priorities for most brands. And it is audiences that need to remember your name. It may even lead to word of mouth that snowballs and introduces more exposure.

Check your website and social media pages. What type of content dominates it? Static images? Texts? If so, you may want to focus on adding more videos, GIFs, and visuals. However, do not go overboard. After all, too much of something is not necessarily a good thing.

Reason #2 – Increasing Website Traffic

Solid website traffic is one of the best indications of how successful an online business is. There are different methods to attract more traffic. You have PPC marketing, search engine optimization, and gimmicks like clickbait titles.

However, aesthetically-pleasing animations, pictures, or inspirational quotes are also a good approach. Video content helps with boosting website traffic. At the end of the day, people are more likely to click on a URL if it catches their attention. And visuals are more eye-catching than something like a paragraph of text.

Reason #3 – Improving Customer Engagement

There is a reason why platforms like Facebook and Instagram have been pushing for video players. They are trying to make people stay on the website even longer than usual. 

Popular YouTube videos have thousands of comments. And why shouldn’t they? Watching a video is easier as you do not have to pay as much attention as you would reading. 

It is not just videos that can improve customer engagement. BuzzSumo has revealed that Facebook content with photos has nearly 2.5 times more engagement than posts without pictures. 

There is a good reason why bloggers add pictures in their articles. Even if someone is skimming through a text, they find it more enjoyable when a writer includes a picture. Not to mention that pictures between paragraphs are a good way to take a short break before one continues to read.

Reason #4 – Boosting Conversion Rates

If you improve customer engagement and website traffic and raise brand awareness, you can expect to make more sales. Whether it is services or products, it all comes back to how much you have invested in your visual content marketing campaigns.

Take this for an example. Imagine that you are cooperating with an influencer. There are a few ways that they could promote your brand. 

The first is to tweet a short message about how happy they are with the goods. The second is to post on Instagram, where they are seen using the product or services. And the third where they discuss it on a video.

The first option would not bring as much traffic and conversion rates as the second and the third. 

Reason #5 – Showing Audiences Your Human Side

Since video content is trending on the internet, creating a marketing campaign around it would be a good idea to appeal to younger audiences. Young people are the ones who follow online trends the most. In fact, many of them set the trends.

Becoming a more relatable brand will also result in a higher conversion rate and other benefits. And if video content is the current hot topic, you should take advantage while you can. Your competition is probably doing it already.

Reason #6 – Introducing Different Approach to Marketing

If nothing else, trying visual content marketing strategy will broaden your horizons and provide valuable experience. Even a lackluster campaign has its uses. Those who are planning to stick to an online business for the foreseeable future should take the bad and the good and turn it into an advantage later.

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