How to Get Customers: 5 Tactics to Attract New Prospects

Figuring out how to grow your customer base is much easier said than done. You need to find ways to reach them, draw them in, and keep them coming back.

Having a well-defined marketing strategy and staying on top of trends is important in promoting your business and reaching new customers. Digital marketing, for instance, has registered huge success rates and has become a growth engine for many small and large companies. An astounding 55% of the marketing is digital, and 72% of overall marketing budgets go toward digital marketing channels. 

But don’t worry. You don’t necessarily need to have a team of MBAs to bring in new customers. To help you, we’ve compiled a list of the five best tips for finding new customers.

The tips on the list can be adapted to both small and large companies, and used in both the B2B and consumer industries. So, whether you’re looking for new customers for your beauty salon, bookkeeping business, or digital agency, you can find the list helpful.

How to Get Customers: 5 Tactics to Attract New Prospects

Create Lead Capture Forms

If you’re looking to generate, nurture, and convert potential customers into buyers, you should consider creating lead capture forms. Despite many people thinking that lead capture forms are no longer relevant, this method is still used by most marketers.

To develop a captivating lead capture form that sets you apart from the competition, it’s essential to include certain key elements. For instance, ensure it has a visually appealing design to immediately grab the attention of potential leads. Use unique shapes and appealing color schemes, and add features to your messages with pop-up creator kits, like countdown timers and gamification, to create a memorable and enjoyable experience for prospects.

Keep your form limited to the information you need. Ask for crucial info such as name, email, and number. Even if you choose the best-looking template, adding multiple fields to your lead capture forms could make your efforts obsolete.

Blogging and Guest Blogging

Blogging can also be beneficial in the search for new customers. In the blog, you can share your expertise and at the same time attract new visitors through, for example, search engines. If you’re looking for inspiration for blogging, go online and check out some of the top-rated business blogs.

If you feel comfortable enough blogging on your website, it can also be a good idea to guest blog on other websites as well. Guest blogging is an easy way to drive traffic to your website and reach out to new readers and potential buyers.

Participate in Trade Shows

There are hundreds and hundreds of trade shows organized every year that you have the opportunity to participate in. Check which trade fairs are most interesting for your customers and get a booth space. Remember to advertise your participation in the fair in advance so that you can attract more visitors.

During the trade show, it’s important to focus on creating new contacts, both actively by talking to visitors and passively by making it easy for visitors to subscribe to your email list or your company newsletters.

If your company cannot afford to exhibit at trade shows, it does not have to mean that you have to skip fairs where your customers are. Visiting fairs with the goal of networking also works perfectly. Find a trade show they either attend or exhibit at, and go there with a stack of business cards to create an awareness of what you do to your prospective clients and network.

Make Use of Existing Customers

If you have a good relationship with your existing customers, you can always discuss with them whether they could recommend people in their network who could be interested in your product or service. You can also go one step further and offer discounts and benefits to existing customers for referring new prospects to you. It’s often said that if you give something for free, you can easily double your money.

Learn From Your Competitors

There’s nothing wrong with taking examples from competitors. In fact, keeping an eye on your competitors can inspire you when looking to bring in new customers and understand your advantages. For example, you can attend the same event or run similar campaigns that have proven to work well for competitors.

Another way to learn from them is to see what they do, and then do the opposite to surprise and interest potential buyers. If all competitors use digital marketing, you can try sending direct emails instead.

Final Thoughts

Finding new customers is a big challenge for many entrepreneurs and salespeople. When you work daily to keep existing customers satisfied, it’s also easy to overlook the need to attract new ones.

Thankfully, the above tips can help you acquire prospects and keep them coming back. Start by creating lead capture forms, offer them something informative and engaging, and always be interested in learning new hacks.

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