Boosting Your Business with Social Media in 2018

There’s no denying that social media has changed the world of business. Now, things like Instagram and Facebook are ways of life. If you’re running a business today, odds are you’re already on social media. Maybe you’re frustrated by the latest algorithm change or you’re struggling to see any real growth in your conversion rates. You see big businesses and other Influencers making a killing on social media. It seems like it’s so easy for them, yet you can’t seem to get your social pages off the ground! Get control of social media for your business with these profile-boosting tips!

The Art of Social Selling: Why Subtlety is Important

Why You Can’t Ignore Social Media

So many social media hasn’t worked for your business so far and you’re ready to throw in the towel. While it’s easy to think there are better ways to market your business, you’re probably making a huge mistake. Social media isn’t optional in this day and age. Your audience is on social media whether you like it or not, and if you want to form connections with them you need to be where they are.

79% of American internet users are on Facebook, and other platforms are growing just as rapidly. If you haven’t seen success with social media, don’t call it quits just yet! Your audience is out there waiting for you, all you need is to create an effective strategy to find them.

First, Know Your Platforms

Not all social media platforms are created equal. Instagram is popular with Millennials while Snapchat is mostly filled with high schoolers. The population of Facebook is increasingly aging, while Twitter is still home to a wide range of demographics. This can be broken down even further to look into audience interests. Young women who are interested in fashion are likely to be found on YouTube and Pinterest while parents might be chatting in Facebook groups and sharing Instagram Stories.

What all this goes to show is that if you’re not finding success on social media, you might be looking in the wrong place. Finding the right platform on social media will mean diving deep into your target audience and knowing where they spend the most time. What kind of content can you create to reach your audience? Sharing tech tips on Facebook might not make as much sense when your audience is on YouTube and Twitter. Similarly, creating Instagram photos with beauty tips might not be as effective depending on the age group you’re trying to reach. Don’t be afraid to try new platforms to reach your audience, but know when it’s time to move on to something else!

Try Social Advertising

Social media advertising has come a long way. In its early stages, it might have felt spammy to promote your content in paid ads on Facebook or another platform. Today, it’s simply the name of the game. It might take some paid promotion to get your page off the ground. Luckily, it’s easy and affordable to advertise your page on many social media platforms. The Facebook Ad Manager, for instance, comes with highly customizable tools so you can pinpoint the exact user you are looking for and monitor conversion and click-through rates! Learn more about the 5 Best Social Media Advertising Tools to get started.

Use Influencers to Promote Your Brand

Influencer marketing is an up and coming way to create brand awareness. These influencers have a strong hold on their particular audience, and they might be just what you need to get a social media boost for your business. If you don’t have the budget for big-name influencers, don’t worry! Micro-influencers with a smaller but more niche targeted can be just as powerful! Just make sure you work with the blogger or influencer to create a campaign you’re both proud to promote!


Are you ready to take your social media to the next level? If you haven’t found success yet with your business social media accounts, you’re not alone. It’s easy to feel like these platforms aren’t right for your business. Instead of trying something else that might be less effective, give social media another go! Follow these tips above to give your social media a much-needed boost!

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