Fine-Tuning Your CRO Strategy

Conversion rate optimization has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years, and these days, it’s more or less an essential facet to your overall digital marketing strategy. With all the increased recognition and acceptance, not to mention ever-fluctuating trends in consumer behaviour, CRO standards have evolved a lot in a short space of time, and there’s a risk you could be focussing on outdated tactics. Here are some of the best CRO tips for staying competitive in the modern arena…

Obsess About your Traffic Data

One of the most important staples of any conversion rate optimization strategy is studying your website traffic for helpful performance insights. You can do this through Google analytics, but if you want the best results it’s usually worth checking out some more comprehensive tools. Read these SEO software reviews for a look into your options. Metrics such as your visitors’ geography, the concentration of mobile traffic, users’ screen resolution and so on can all tell you a lot about the majority of visitors who land on your website. When you’re constantly taking in this information and determining patterns from it, you’ll be able to guide your CRO efforts, and spend your available marketing resources more efficiently.

Analyse Visitors’ Behaviour

Once you’ve identified the kinds of people who are visiting your website, your next step should be seeking ways through which you can mold the site around their behaviour. The main focus here should be finding areas and elements of your site that stand between visitors and a conversion. Thanks to modern visitor behaviour analysis tools, this task has become much easier. Using these, you can arm yourself with insights such as discovering elements on your website that are being largely ignored by visitors, and elements that are drawing people away from the main content, such as sign-up forms and CTAs. You’ll also be able to observe the depth of fold on certain pages, and compare scroll and click behaviour between different segments of your audience. You can also determine form fields that contribute to your bounce rate. All of these factors can go a long way when informing the next time you’re tidying up your site.

Adopt Real-Time Surveys

Analytics tools are great for determining where you should be improving your website, but you can go one step further by reaping feedback and criticism on the site straight from the horse’s mouth. One of the best ways to do this is using real-time surveys. These will allow you to capture responses from visitors right when they’re on your site. This is the point where visitors have the best level of context about your brand, meaning the responses you get are going to be much more reliable. With this kind of feedback, that’s both quantitative and qualitative, you can make major strides in improving the UX of your website, and ultimately your overall conversion rate. You can make your surveys even more optimized by adding triggers to determine when a survey is displayed to a certain segment of your audience.

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