GIS for Public Safety: Software to Reduce Crime and Build a Safe Society

Positioning is a critical element of the work of public services responsible for ensuring public safety and emergency response. The use of public safety GIS software allows to expertly carry out relevant activities, thereby ensuring the construction of a safer society. Tracking and identification of crime centers, the ability to visualize crime centers and existing patterns, analyze this data, and share the information received. The use of public safety GIS software technology will allow you to more effectively prevent the commission of crimes and reduce the overall crime rate. The ability to create interactive maps enables you to detect hidden patterns and take operational measures to prevent crime and public safety threats.

Resource efficiency strategy

Taking into account the cyclical nature of crimes, the planning of work on their prevention should be based on specific facts, and not on assumptions. The temporal analysis determines the crime rate for particular periods, for example, over the weeks, months, and years. By spatial analysis of the crime rate over specific periods (whether it is violence with the use of weapons; crimes committed by a group of persons or crimes of a sexual nature) – decision-makers can visually identify existing trends and patterns. This allows you to make better forecasts, carry out operational and strategic planning to prevent crime. More than 80% of all data on offenses have a geographical component. Studying this information, extracting it from different sources, and combining it with other data, improve work efficiency. The everyday use of such information by various organizations and agencies makes it possible to identify prevailing trends and, accordingly, helps to prevent crimes or the threat of their commission.

Communication system improvement

Aspectum’s capabilities fully enable the management of strategically relevant information through the creation of a spatial data management system. Public safety GIS software allows you to create tactical operations plans to reduce response time in every day and emergencies, work effectively in the field, and ensure the timeliness and timeliness of the necessary data by employees who need them. The ability to publish maps and data to the general public facilitates public feedback through visual presentations to the public and the media. For example, the “public criminal card” characterizes criminal activity in society. Aspectum’s ability to integrate real-time data from a variety of sources makes it possible to maintain law and order at public events and increase the overall level of security in society. Powerful analytical tools allow you to build forecasts, identify hidden threats, and, based on the information, most effectively allocate available resources and identify priority areas of work.

Operational environment

Aspectum public safety GIS software is designed to support decision-making and build a tactical operation plan. The system provides the following options of use:

  • Drawing an operational situation,
  • Analyzing the incidents,
  • Constructing routes, taking into real-time account of traffic,
  • Automatic construction of reports,
  • Creation of evacuation zones.

Aspectum public safety GIS software is designed to assess the effectiveness of the units of management, to allocate human and material resources better, to identify the most problematic areas and areas vulnerable to the impact of negative factors. Public safety GIS software can provide a review of current operational information, visualization of units, and individual employees, a study of the distribution of incidents by type, analysis of measures taken.

Emergency management

Public safety GIS software is one of the critical means of information support for responding to emergencies. The availability of up-to-date data and analysis tools makes it possible to understand risks and improve emergency response. With the use of public GIS, it is possible to raise general public awareness. Citizens can be provided with information on evacuation routes, shelters from natural disasters, etc. Emergency services should not only manage their resources but also integrate data from other services – police, medical facilities, educational and social facilities, information on natural conditions and infrastructure, to be able to direct efforts in the event of an emergency properly. And provide timely assistance to affected citizens and the resumption of crucial support.

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