Great Branding Tips for Job Seekers

Having a strong brand makes work and searching for work a lot easier – here are some tips on how to create it.

1. Be accessible and visible

You cannot simply hide inside your office behind a computer and build a successful personal brand. To do that requires you to be accessible and visible. Go to industry conferences, even to simply socialize and network. Make sure your social media profiles are public and accept incoming messages. On social media, host live video Q&A sessions and interact with followers on a regular basis. The more accessible and visible you are, the stronger and more recognizable your personal brand will be.

2. On social media, show your genuine self.

Do not use social media for 100 percent marketing. It is okay to promote your company or put out an offer occasionally but your focus should be on showing your true self. If you seem unauthentic or robotic, then it will turn people off. People love seeing the personal side – what your interests and hobbies are, where you go to eat, what you like to do on the weekend. Those things make you seem more human and will attract more people to yourself.

3. Thoroughly understand your industry

Remember that your business in only just as good as the people who run it – and that includes you. It is very important for you to have a thorough understanding of your industry. Irene McConnell from Arielle Executive says that you need to stay current on all of the latest trends, your competition, and breaking news. Doing that will help to make you a thought leader for your industry, which will raise your personal brand to a new and higher level.

4. Practice two-way networking

Many people go about networking incorrectly. They focus on their own personal benefits and needs and while completely ignoring the needs and wants of others. Focus on beneficial two-way networking, and make sure that the other person has the chance to also benefit from the relationship. That approach will help to secure you more opportunities and connections and help to strengthen your personal brand at the same time.

5. Maintain a well-developed database of contacts.

Your contact list will continue to grow as your personal brand does. It is very important to maintain a detailed list of your personal contact. It should include information on who the person is, the place where you connected, how you can help the person, and potential future opportunities. It can not only be a great resource when you need something but also can be referenced when you run across an opportunity. When you are able to tell a contact about an opportunity that is beneficial for them without asking them for anything in return it will help your relationship become more beneficial and stronger.

6. Become a trustworthy source of relevant information and breaking news.

When you turn into a trusted source of information, you will know that you have a strong personal brand. Aim to be the person that journalists and others in media outlets call on whenever they need breaking news, information about a popular topic, or expert advice. Begin by sharing information and news that you think is helpful with your email list and on social media. That can help to build your following as well, which will result in people seeing you as a trustworthy authority within your industry. This will ultimately attract even more people to your brand and you.

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