Healthy Sitting With Healthy Chairs – 5 Tips

While some people sit down to rest, others sit down to start working. Actually, most people work when seated. But, of course, it is not advised to seat for more than 8 hours a day. Also, you should consider if sitting or standing is the ideal option for you, based on multiple factors.

So, for those who cannot help but sit at work for several hours every day, how should you handle that? What about those tall people that work on chairs and desks that the average people use too? How can they manage a healthy life with these chairs? That is what we will be discussing in this post. So, let’s get it started.


1. Find an Adjustable Chair

One quality of a good [and healthy] chair is adjustability. The chair should be adjustable accordingly. You should find a chair that adjusts to your height.

When you adjust the chair, your feet should rest flat on the floor. This way, you will promote the circulation of blood through the legs. The tilt mechanism on the seat should help your thighs to be parallel to the floor and the desk.

When it comes to the back of the chair, it should hug your back contours perfectly. Also, they should tilt between 90 and 120 degrees. When the back of the chair is adjustable enough, it will help to boost the spine flexibility and prevent the normal back pains.

A head-rest might also be necessary, especially if you want to look up at the computer screen. Here, you’ll need to get a high-back chair that comes with the head [and neck] support. This assures you of a comfortable and healthy posture.

If you are tall, you will need to test the chair before you buy it. Sit in the chair for a while and assess its comfort. The main aim here is to get a chair that will support your back and legs. If you go for a regular chair, your back will be left hanging (especially when you lean back).

An adjustable chair will do you good, mostly as a tall person. The most important thing to check is if the height is good enough. When seated, adjust the seat to the full height. Your hips should not be above the knees. Always ensure you find the right chair for tall a person.

2. Do Not Cross Your Legs

It is true that crossing your legs helps to relax your abdominal muscles. However, it is not as healthy as it seems. This posture prevents the flow of blood in one of the legs. Also, it will redistribute the weight of the pelvis to the leg below. This will then make your spine to bend slightly. Assume you are sitting this way for a few hours every day. How bad can it be in the long run? You guessed that right; you will develop lower back pain.

So, when you are sitting, always try to keep your legs flat on the floor. If you want to cross them, do so at the ankles. Crossing your legs at the ankles is healthier, and it still supports the flow of blood.

3. Set The Computer In The Right Position

We are assuming that you are working with a computer on your desk at work. Where is the computer screen set? Do you strain to view it or you are viewing it comfortably? A lot of people set their computer screens in the wrong position. As a result, they are forced to strain to look at the screen, which then causes some strain on the neck.

Experts advise that the middle of the computer screen should be at the chin level. This should be around 14 inches away from you.

Also, remember that it is not always about the back and legs. Rather, healthy sitting also includes the comfort in the muscles and eyes. Straining your eyes can have a negative impact on your brain.

The same applies when you are using a laptop. Ensure that you adjust the screen where you can view t without the need of leaning forward. When you lean forward, you will be causing a spinal misalignment. In the end, you will have some back pain that could be lethal in the end.

Also, avoid placing the screen on the side [where you are forced to work when your head is turned to either side]. It is like driving as you look outside the window.

4. Go For Adjustable Armrests

Too many people ignore the armrests qualities. It is always good to go for a chair with adjustable armrests. Yes, the back is comfortable enough with an adjustable height, but what about the armrests? According to experts, it is important for the elbows to be bent 90 degrees or more – but not too much. Also, they should remain tucked into the sides as you are seated in the chair.

When the writs nerves are compressed, it can lead to serious conditions, like the carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a condition that causes pain and numbness in the hand and arm. The condition can also cause tingling in the arms and hands. It develops in most people that use keyboards too often. That is why you should find a chair with adjustable armrests to prevent such conditions.

5. Take a Break

Yeah, you just bought the most expensive chair in the store, and it is very comfortable too. But does that mean you should sit in it throughout the day? Of course not. Actually, sitting for too long is not good for your health. That is why you should take breaks between your long sitting hours.

Experts advise that you should take short breaks every 30 to 60 minutes. This helps to promote the blood circulation and prevent your feet from feeling numb. Walk around the office, go to the bathroom, take a 10-minute walk outside, stretch, or just walk around the house (if you work from home). All in all, do not sit for more than 5 hours without moving around.

Keep in mind that a good chair can do you good, mostly if you test it in advance. Remember to pick one that is adjustable in every aspect. Also, don’t forget to avoid sitting for too long without taking some time to walk and stretch a bit.

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