How Can Video Help Your Business?

Scientists have proven that people prefer visual information over text. About 90% of data delivered to our brain is visual. When we watch a video, we can hold about 95% of information from it, and when we read a text, we get only about 10%. Based on this, videos can be an important instrument to promote and develop your business.

Nowadays, videos are everywhere, and digital marketing strategies have made significant changes. For example, a study from Cisco showed that about 90% of online traffic is video content.

Videos should be taken as a part of the content marketing strategy for your company. Modern people do not have time to read long texts and product descriptions, but they prefer watching video presentations and instructions. That’s why you can add more videos to your website to attract more customers.

When people watch a video about the product, they can understand all the needed things faster and then decide to purchase a particular product. In our article, we will introduce the main benefits of using videos on your websites to increase the company’s sales and develop your business.

How Can Video Help Your Business?

Increase the Emotional Connection

Using video marketing, you can easily introduce all the needed information about your service or product effectively. Videos help to make a special emotional connection with your potential customers. People start watching it, and the video grabs their attention from the first seconds. They can easily understand your business and get useful information about your products. This is a reason why a short TV commercial can attract people, so they want to buy something after watching. A perfectly made video can make emotional contact with your potential clients and initiate people to decide to buy your product or service.

Build Trust with People

When you are starting any business, your main task is to make your company trustworthy. People have to know who you are, what products or services you offer, and what you create for clients. Posting a video on the company’s landing page makes customers more confident in your team. The main concept of video marketing is based on developing trust and relationships between the company and its clients. Thanks to video marketing, people can get more useful information about your company and its products, so they decide to buy something faster. It also helps to build trust between your company and potential customers.

Drive Your Traffic

According to studies, videos on your website increase traffic through engine search by 157%. About 62% of companies have confirmed that thanks to video content, their traffic was boosted successfully. So, if you want to drive your traffic, posting videos about your company on YouTube is the best strategy. Apart from this, it helps to convert people who visit your site to potential customers who buy something. Compared to companies that do not use videos, businesses that include video marketing to their companies increase their traffic by about 40% more. It means that if you put a video on your website, it increases the chances to show your company on the first page of search results. Needless to say, it helps more people to find your company and become your constant customer.

Boost Your Sales

Adding a video to your site helps to increase the conversion rate up to 80%. Video content is a powerful and effective tool for companies that sell products online. About 74% of people who watched the video about your product finish with purchasing this item – this is proof that you can increase sales successfully using videos. As we can see, videos can attract more potential customers, make trust between clients and your team, and initiate people to buy your product. Many powerful companies create videos for their own blogs like Movavi, Animoto, MAGIX. You can use any of these products to create your own videos for the business and increase your sales significantly. Remember that about 55% of buyers said they purchased a product after watching a video on the company’s website. You can create testimonials as well as demo videos that help to increase sales. Every company needs to invest in video marketing. It is a great opportunity for boosting sales and creating trust with customers.

Target Mobile Users

How Can Video Help Your Business?
Nowadays, people watch videos on their mobiles, and they share the content of their favorite and popular brands. We use smartphones every day, and we watch many videos online. For any business, it’s important to create a unique experience for clients on their mobile phones. The number of smartphone users increases every day, so it’s a great opportunity for any business to get more new clients using videos on their website and getting more viewers and potential customers.


Video marketing is a great strategy for your business to win more customers. Nowadays, it’s a popular and effective tool used by many large and small companies all over the world. It helps to develop your business and attract more potential customers. Of course, making high-quality and attractive videos requires creativity and good knowledge.

In general, people can be very doubtful when it comes to buying something online. Thanks to video marketing, people can get more useful information about your product or service and build trust with your company, which isn’t so simple to do with any other form of content.

Video marketing provides many advantages. Many people can watch videos on their mobile devices, so it’s an effective way to use video marketing for your company to influence more potential clients to watch your videos, understand your business, and buy your products or services.

Even for small businesses and startups, video content marketing is a very effective tool to stand out in the competition with other companies. Of course, your videos shouldn’t be perfect, but the content matters.

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