How to Build Deeper Connections with Your Customers

Running a business is more than just a numbers game. Each day, you’re constantly competing against other brands that offer the same products and services, under the same niche and with the same clients. Getting the attention of your target audience is hard enough. But building a strong relationship with consumers and keeping their loyalty prove to be a more challenging task.

Building a deeper connection with your clients will allow you to bring in more sales, stay competitive, and eventually grow your business. But the question is: how can you achieve this?

  1. Gather feedback and take immediate action
  2. What better way to know what your customers want and need than by gathering customer feedback? To make it easier for you to conduct surveys, you can use reliable survey software. You can consolidate feedback fast and easily. You’re sure to receive accurate results that you can then use to give your customers what they need.

  3. Improve your customer hotline
  4. Some customers prefer using chat and email when seeking support. But according to Harvard Business Review, there are still many who prefers to talk to a real person in real time. So why not improve your customer hotline and make it available to clients 24/7? One does not need to hire people just to answer your calls round the clock. You can hire a third party to act as your virtual receptionist. This can lower your costs and still foster good customer relationships.

  5. Always keep your promises to your clients
  6. Not everyone agrees to the notion that you should under promise and overdeliver. The reason is that oftentimes, promises act like an unwritten contract between your brand and your customers. If you make a promise and you exceed your client’s expectations, it can help maintain a good reputation. But by overdelivering, chances are that you’re wasting efforts as it is unlikely you’ll snag extra points. What you can do is to keep every promise you make.

  7. Show your gratitude to long-time customers
  8. Your loyal clients deserve your appreciation. Thankfully, there are lots of ways you can show your gratitude. You can choose to give freebies, send a “just because” gift, or offer a considerable discount. The old thank-you note trick still works like magic. Create a social media promo where the winners will get exclusive rewards. You can also choose a few special customers and give a spontaneous upgrade.

  9. Engage with them online
  10. These days, the Internet offers limitless possibilities. It will allow you to introduce your brand, reach out to clients, and sell your products. One can also use this to build a strong relationship with your followers so that you can gain their trust. Make it a point to engage with your customers. Share unique and informative content with real value. Instead of simply talking to them, talk “with” them. Inspire, entertain, and make them feel that you’re keen on connecting with them.

There is no easy way to make your relationship with customers stronger. The good news is that with a bit of patience and effort, you can achieve this goal. Keep this list in mind, and you’ll find the best ways to start building a deeper relationship with your clients.

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