Four Digital Tools Your Startup Really Shouldn’t Skimp On

Four Digital Tools Your Startup Really Shouldn't Skimp On

You can have the best idea in the world, but if you don’t have the right business tools to execute it, then a startup can fold quicker than a handshake. Don’t try to walk, before you can run as new ventures need time to establish themselves, gain a customer base and hire employees who believe in the same vision you do. Every entrepreneur has started out on a similar path, but the truly successful ones know that you need to spend money to make money. These business tools harness digital technology, working for you to keep you on track at the same time as creating a real buzz around a new brand.


When it comes to presenting financial projections to clients, managing your overheads and paying your employees on time, accurate accounting is vital. Invoice and accounting software is now more popular than ever with apps like Wave, FreshBooks and Kashflow helping you to keep on top of your incoming and outgoings, creating professional payment schedules, receipts, and estimates. Wave is specially designed for small business owners who are looking to grow their workforce, as well as being able to pay your team from anywhere in the world thanks to the online payroll, perfect for remote working, direct transfers and pay stubs.

CRM Systems

An integrated, user-friendly system such as the Sage CRM system allows CEO’s to view a complete picture of their business at any time. Under an umbrella CRM, sales, marketing, customer feedback, finance, and design can be brought together. Together, the CRM helps to identify company strengths and weaknesses, create marketing campaigns that are relevant to target readers as well as pinpoint issues such as sales lags which may be linked to poor advertising. The electronic workflow document also allows different departments to talk to each other, edit documents directly at the source instead of sending time-consuming emails and lengthy files as well as being able to work on combined projects more efficiently.

Data Hosting

No longer do companies have to store endless files or spend lots of money on expensive servers. Thanks to technology, online cloud based servers allow information not only to be backed up, securely stored for future use but also allows employees to work from home as long as they have server access. One of the best ways to ensure that your company data isn’t at risk of being compromised is to use a best private cloud firm whose expert team takes care of IT maintenance, spotting problems and using advanced coding techniques to keep the company online 24/7.

Customer Support

While social media is a fantastic tool for gaining new clients, building rapport with existing ones and promoting new products it does, unfortunately, have its limits. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can let you communicate with customers, but for a more professional seamless customer service experience it may be worth using a dedicated program. Marketing software like global giant MailChimp allows businesses to send automated emails in bulk, full email advertising campaigns and update customers on product availability. Meanwhile, your business gets detailed reports on your e-commerce traffic levels and how the company could improve in the future.

Flickr Photo By: JD Hancock

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