How To Increase Traffic On Your Website

Nowadays, a business is only as effective as its online presence. Any business operating completely offline is bound to fall by the wayside and lose out to the competition. With the presence of social media, review sites and outlet sites like Amazon, your business’ website needs to effectively set you apart from your competition, proving that your service is unique. Without a well designed and user-friendly site, your customers are more likely to venture elsewhere if pointed in the right direction.

So how can you increase traffic on your website? There are many ways to achieve this. Here are a few key tips to make your website an irresistible, clickable asset to your business.

How To Increase Traffic On Your Website


What are PPC and SEO? These are both tools which you can use to increase footfall on your website. If you sell, for example, handbags, you will find that a customer who searches ‘Handbags’ into Google will be presented with thousands and thousands of results – so how can they more easily locate your site? Well, the simple answer is to bump your website up to the top of the list, so that it will be the first your customer sees when they enter the keyword.

SEO, standing for search engine optimisation, is a tool which can be used in many ways. You can use keywords and backlinks, among other things, to boost your clicks and help you increase traffic to your site.

PPC, standing for pay per click, helps increase traffic. Advertisers promote your site and pay every time a user clicks on your site. Even if the user doesn’t buy anything from your site as a result of visiting it, they will be aware of your site and return to it more often. If you are interested in PPC, contact a PPC Agency to see how it could benefit your business!

User-Friendly Design

If your site is not user friendly, users will likely click away and visit another website after a minute or two. A user friendly website design means including calls to action which encourage a customer to click through your site and eventually make a purchase or book a service. Calls to action mean signposting your site with phrases such as ‘Buy Now!’ or ‘Book Now!’ or ‘Read More!’ These make your customers want to continue through your site. If they are confused by the layout or can’t find how to go further, they will likely click away.

Social Media

Using social media to advertise, promote and show off your products is a perfect way to encourage people to continue onto your website. With a social media strategy which links your company website to its social media profile, you can engage directly with your audience and peak their interest with interesting images and irresistible giveaways.

Increasing traffic to your site is a vital step in promoting your business and competing with other businesses. Use these helpful guidelines to give a breath of fresh air to your company site today.

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