Simple HR Management Tools for Small Businesses in 2022

HR tools include a wide range of technological solutions that help businesses manage their day-to-day human resources activities efficiently. HR tools commonly leverage automation to handle tedious, time-consuming tasks that cost organizations time, money, and hiring accuracy.

Picking the right tools for your business is a complex process because you have to account for your organization’s needs. However, the following 11 tools will benefit most businesses.

Simple HR Management Tools for Small Businesses in 2022

1. Buddy Punch – Time Clock Tool

You don’t need a full HR team to see the benefits of employee time clock apps. Tools like Buddy Punch do more than ensure employee accountability. In fact, Buddy Punch can automatically calculate your payroll, track projects, send overtime alerts, make custom reports, and more.

2. Assembly – Employee Recognition Tool

79% of employees quit because they don’t feel appreciated. HR can play a role in recognizing their staff by using Assembly, a free tool that allows colleagues to reward and recognize each other. With Slack integration, co-workers can communicate and collaborate with ease.

3. Caroo – Employee Engagement Tool

While your employees do appreciate it when their boss or co-workers compliment them for their efforts, receiving payment in snacks is also another great option. Caroo is a premier employee care platform that ships out customized boxes and packages available for any occasion.

4. Bambee – Outsourcing Tool

Small businesses may not have the funds to staff a full HR team, but they can use the Bambee platform to access recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and compliance professionals. Bambee offers an incredible free trial, so you don’t have to lock into any contract before trying them out.

5. Sage HR – Recruit, Hiring, and Onboarding Tool

If you have the manpower to steer your own HR ship, consider Sage HR to simplify several HR challenges. Taking care of recruitment is a difficult task, but you can use this tool to completely streamline the hiring process. Sage HR is user-friendly, automated, and customizable.

6. Confetti – Team Building Tool (In-Office)

Team building is one of the many ways HR can bring co-workers together. Confetti makes this process easy by organizing a wholly customized, multi-vendor party desk filled with ideas. If you’re short on ideas, Confetti offers over 1300 exciting experiences for your workplace.

7. Hoppier – Team Building Tool (Virtual)

Remote teams don’t have to miss out on all the team-building fun when they sign up for Hoppier. Hoppier uses a credit card system to distribute credit for lunches, drinks, and gifts employees can buy instantly, which increases participation and engagement in virtual events.

8. Culture Amp – Reporting Tool

Culture Amp is a unique tool that measures and attaches numbers to abstract terms like involvement, engagement, innovation, alignment, company confidence, and more. Culture Amp also incorporates machine learning algorithms to help HR teams interpret these insights.

9. Otter – Communication Tool

HR staff has to take a lot of notes, but if they can’t make it to the meeting, they may miss out on key policy changes or company insights. Otter takes care of this dilemma with its AI-powered assistant that uses voice recognition software to generate meeting notes and scripts.

10. Zenefits – Benefits Tool

Even the best HR tools have a difficult time doling out benefits to employees, but Zenefits’ People Platform doesn’t even see it as a problem. Zenefits benefits administration process is completely streamlined and includes all necessary information for the employee on its app.

11. – App Management Tool

All of these apps are great, you’re definitely thinking, but how will you be able to manage them all? saves HR teams from app overload by placing all tasks in a single viewfinder. It can link with over 40 services, including Gmail, Trello, Basecamp, and Evernote.

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