The A, B, C Of Workplace Computer Protection

When it comes to the workplace, there are many things you need to make sure are protected from each evolving virus. But in the area of small businesses, a lot believe that they are unlikely to be targeted due to their small size. Unfortunately, this is not the case. But if you are getting concerned that your technology is not up to date, or you even have yet to invest in the right systems to protect yourself, here is the A, B, C on the two building blocks for protection in the business.

The A, B, C Of Workplace Computer Protection
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A: What Is The Cloud?

It’s a system of storage that is used via computer servers rather than the actual computers.

B: How Can It Help My Business?

If you decide to upgrade your server or computer systems to a cloud-based operating system, there are many pros for the business regarding cost and efficiency:

  • The infrastructure scales down the servers when they are not being used. This will save you energy and therefore will save you money!
  • If you compare the cloud to a standard computer regarding the amount of storage space, the cloud is able to store much more.
  • If you are updating your computer hardware once every few years, it can cost a lot. The cloud will bring that cost right down.

C: What Else Do I Need To Know?

  • As the cloud is a document recovery tool, it will save a lot of worry in that area.
  • The cloud is not physical, so there is no need for extra space to be made.
  • Service providers can offer backup and recovery options that are very flexible to your needs.
  • System integration is a lot easier when compared to a typical hardware upgrade, saving your business time and money!


The A, B, C Of Workplace Computer Protection

A: What Is Antivirus Software?

If you have been in the dark ages, this is a completely essential tool to scan your computer for malware, viruses and rogue software.

B: How Can It Help My Business?

As a prevention tool it can do many things:

  • It prevents the installation of spyware or malware on computers.
  • As well as it can block tracking cookies, and it can stop access to websites via a business server that may be dangerous.
  • Other tools include virus prevention methods, ransomware protection and email scanning from questionable sources.
  • You can set it to run at certain times and on certain days. You can also set it up to install the latest updates and definitions of the program.

C: What Else Do I Need To Know?

  • While antivirus programs are an essential tool in protecting any business from viruses, it is not infallible. As viruses change and become more sophisticated in their nature, programs will have to pedal hard to catch up. Before purchasing an antivirus program be sure to check out reviews like the totalav review. It is important to understand how different antivirus program features work and which antivirus companies are the best to suit your needs.
  • These programs can’t alway tell the difference between something that is officially safe and something that is questionable. So it could lock you out of programs and files that are perfectly safe. So you may need to disable the program in this instance, but it does leave you open and unprotected.
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