Top 5 Investing Trends In 2018

Investing your money in business is the best way to accumulate wealth. However, though investing sounds easy, not everyone can do it. It requires financial intelligence and sound analytical skills to determine if the current economic trends will lead to business growth or not.  

To discuss this topic exhaustively, one needs to be well versed in the current money market trends and to have some financial knowledge or else you will find yourself writing a shallow and poorly researched paper. If you aren’t very sure that you can produce high-quality work by yourself, then why not pay for assignments in Australian services and let an expert writer assist you?

top five investment trends that will shape 2018.

If you don’t know which problems are going to be coming your way, you will have trouble dealing with them when they arrive.


  • Investment in green or renewable energy


After years of denial that our actions directly or indirectly cause global warming, many established companies have awakened to the fact that human existence is at risk and as a result, many are now undertaking corrective measures to mitigate their effects.

There is a group in the United States which calls itself the Climate Action 100 that has been very vocal in championing for environmental protection and is targeting 100 companies in 2018 that are the major culprits in emitting carbons to lobby them to adopt more environment-friendly approaches towards the preservation of the environment.

The same debate has been going on globally where member states are urged to play lead roles in promoting green energy use. If this initiative is taken seriously, we will be seeing more people investing in the generation of clean energy.

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  • Investing in foreign stock markets


US foreign stock market business showed signs of recovery in 2017 by registering a marginal growth of 2% in the year while US businesses in markets considered as volatile, rose marginally by below 1%.

Interestingly, in the same year, foreign economies weathered economic storms to register higher growth than the US market. For instance, the Far East stock markets rose by 23% while the emerging economies grew by over 30%.

According to North America’s chief strategist Mr. Stephen Wood, 2018 will continue registering higher global economic growth with the US economy being projected to grow by 2.5% and the global GDP by 3.2%.


  • Investment in digital currencies


The most common of all digital currencies is Bitcoin crypto-currency. This currency is useful in conducting transactions safely and anonymously.  A few years ago, very few companies dared to invest in digital currencies but due to last year’s impressive performance; it caught the attention of many.

At the beginning of 2017, a Bitcoin was valued at $1,000, by September 2017, the value had risen to $5,000, in November it was $7,000, and by December it hit $19,000. As a result, many investors started trading in Bitcoins and well as other digital currencies that hitherto received little attention.

The value of this currency has been fluctuating a lot recently as by mid-January 2018 it was valued at $9,000. Nevertheless, if its popularity continues to rise and its value stabilizes, many companies will still be willing to adopt it.



  • Widespread adoption of Blockchains


Though technology-related trends are more difficult to predict than others, there are some technological ideas like Blockchains that captured the interests of investors in 2017 due to their widespread adoption. Blockchains are useful digital ledgers that help people to keep tabs on business transactions. These ledgers gained currency in 2017 due to their use in Bitcoins whose performance at the moment was quite impressive.

Due to their effectiveness, there has been a push to have Blockchain introduced into the medical field so that medical records can be kept in a cryptographic database that can accept data from different quarters. That way, it would be possible to update, save and access patients’ data from a decentralized location without having to liaise with physical offices and this trend could gain traction in 2018.


  • Automation of services


If you look at the top performing companies like Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon, all were able to survive the economic instability storm that almost swept other big companies away simply because they are tech-driven and have invested heavily in it. Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft, for example, have automated virtual assistants that help people to manage their affairs. For instance, Microsoft’s Cortana can read your diary and remind you when your planned activities are due – when to go shopping, when to attend meetings, etc.

Other businesses have incorporated chat-bots in their websites to be responding to customers’ queries 24/7. This is not a new idea as digital virtual assistants, and intelligent chat-bots have been there since 2014, but they gained traction in 2017, and the trend is more likely to continue in 2018.

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