Ways To Welcome New Employees

The first day in a new job is a big moment, for your new employee, it could be their first day in a new city, industry, or career and for you and your company, it gets you one step closer to your team’s goals. Setting up new employees for success in their role means that they can hit the ground running and feel at home on your team to help you reach those goals. So can you make them feel welcome and get to make sure their first day is the best way for them to start?

Announce Your New Employee

If everyone’s not up to speed and if some people don’t know that you have a new starter then when they arrive to make sure you show them a warm welcome by making a staff announcement to explain their role, as well as a few personal details so that people can connect with them. Obviously try not to embarrass your new team member, but just make sure everyone knows who they are.

Get Their Desk Space in Order

Make sure everything technical is set up before they arrive. It will save them spending all morning staring at their desk while their emails and passwords get set up. Have a computer ready for your new hire, and make sure it is charged and updated. Make sure their desk space is clean and empty and that everything belonging to the last person who sat there has been cleaned out. Is there any other equipment—a keyboard, mouse, USB, extra monitor, extension cord, or filing cabinet—they may need that you can provide? This is most likely your new employee’s first stop when they arrive, so make it a welcoming space. Throwing in a couple of gifts too like a favorite snack, personalized mugs, so they know which one is theirs to drink their coffee out of or even a card signed by the team can be a nice touch.

Have A Welcome Document

This is probably the most important step to take whenever you hire someone new as this document can be like their bible for the first couple of weeks. Make sure it includes their goals for the next 30, 60, and 90 days, an outline of the tasks you expect them to own or take over, any relevant documents, links, calendars, or logins they’ll need, any meetings they’re expected to attend in their first few weeks or regularly, names, contact information, and background of team members and colleagues they’ll be working with. It’s also a good idea to give them a map of where everyone sits with their photos on as this can be a lifesaver when they’re learning names.

Schedule Some Bonding

Schedule an outing for your team to grab lunch, coffee, or drinks together so that it’s on everyone’s calendar ahead of time giving your new employee with an opportunity to bond with their colleagues outside the office. Keep the talk to non-work related topics and encourage everyone to get to know each other.

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