What to Know About Getting a Job in Construction

Construction jobs are ideal if you do not have a college degree or do not want to work a regular office job. It is also a great choice if you would rather work with your hands than sit behind a computer screen all day. Fortunately, construction jobs are kind to people with little or no experience because they can easily learn on the job and advance their careers in the industry. 

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Different Types of Construction Jobs

There’s a whole world of roles in construction. Whether you’re into the nitty-gritty of hands-on work or you’re more of a planner and overseer, there’s a spot for you.

  • Skilled Trades: Think electricians, carpenters, plumbers. These pros have a specific set of skills that take time and training to master.
  • Management Roles: Project managers, site supervisors, and the like. They keep the wheels turning and ensure everything’s on track.
  • Supporting Roles: Safety officers, logistics coordinators, and other key players who ensure everything runs smoothly.

What Are the Essential Skills and Qualifications

For starters, a good mix of technical know-how and soft skills. Being a great communicator and problem-solver is just as important as knowing your way around tools. And qualifications? They vary by role but expect to need some form of training or certification, especially for skilled trades.

Let’s dig deeper into the job roles in the construction industry and the one you choose depends on your preference and the opportunities available to you.


Plumbing is one of the most common construction jobs. It involves the installation, maintenance, and repair of piping systems, fixtures, and appliances responsible for water distribution and waste removal in buildings. Plumbers ensure that water flows smoothly to and from structures, fixing leaks, unclogging pipes, and maintaining the sanitation system to prevent health hazards and maintain hygiene.


Carpentry is the craft of constructing, installing, and repairing building frameworks and structures made from wood and other materials. Carpenters work on a wide range of projects, from building cabinetry and furniture to erecting house frames and laying floors, requiring a strong understanding of building plans and materials.


Glazing refers to the glass installation in a building. Depending on the design of a building, glass installation can be a necessity. Some office buildings have a glass exterior, a house’s patio can have sliding glass doors, and stairways may have glass railings. A glazier’s job is to install glass where it is needed in the building under construction.


Laboring, in the construction context, refers to the manual work carried out on construction sites, including loading and unloading materials, digging trenches, setting up scaffolding, and assisting skilled tradespeople. Laborers are essential for the efficient progress of construction projects, performing tasks that require physical strength and stamina. Construction laborers perform a variety of manual duties. This includes digging holes, carrying building materials, laying blocks or bricks, and plastering walls. 


Painters add finishing touches to a new or renovated building to give it a pleasant appearance. They have to carefully work with different colors, shades, and types of paint to achieve the desired look. Painters must select the right materials and techniques for different surfaces, ensuring a durable and aesthetically pleasing finish.


Electricians specialize in installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical systems in buildings, ensuring that electrical wiring, fixtures, and appliances operate safely and efficiently. This includes installing light bulbs, sockets, switches, and fuse boxes. They follow strict safety regulations and codes to install systems that provide power while preventing hazards like fires and electric shocks.

Notable mentions

There are many more job roles for potential construction workers and here are some worth mentioning: tile installer, architect, civil engineer, quantity surveyor, welder, pipe fitter, construction project manager, interior designer, crane operator, and sheet metal worker. 

Landing a Construction Job

To get a construction job, consider the steps below:

Acquire the necessary skills

This applies if you are trying to get your first construction job. Many job roles in the industry will give you on-the-job training, but it helps to acquire the needed skills before applying. You can do this by getting a mentor who performs the job you want to do and observing them while they work.

Draft your resume

Draft a resume that reflects the kind of construction job you want to apply for and highlight the skills you have that are relevant to the job. You can also state that you are a fast learner who follows instructions, pays attention to detail, communicates clearly, and manages time well.

Look for opportunities

We are in the internet age where it is possible to find jobs online. You can search for construction jobs on job boards like Incolink. Most job boards allow you to filter employment opportunities according to location, job titles, years of experience, and salary range. As an entry-level job seeker, it is recommended that you prioritize jobs that do not have experience requirements.


Construction jobs are fulfilling and lucrative career opportunities for people who prefer to work a physical job rather than be cooped up in an office every business day. Many construction companies have no issue hiring people with no experience provided they are diligent and ready to learn. Once you identify the kind of construction job you can handle, work closely with a mentor to gain the necessary skills and hop on job boards to find employment opportunities.

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