Top 7 Online Marketing Trends for 2016

1. Online Video Advertising
2. App Indexing
3. Mobile over Desktop
4. Digital Assistants for Optimization
5. Virtual Reality
6. Wearable Technology and IoT
7.Expensive Advertising
1.Online Video Advertising

– It is the use of internet as a medium for promotional activities. Example of this is Youtube, Facebook and Bing. What’s new this 2016? Google is finally getting on board with the in-SERP (Search Engine Results Page) video advertising, which means expect more video ads online.

2.App Indexing

– Introduced by google, app indexing is a system which puts your app content in Google search results.This 2016, it will be a pivotal year in app adoption from business owner’s perspective.

3.Domination of Mobile over Desktop

– According to Google “a mobile-only site with no desktop counterpart is perfectly acceptable”. It means that Google is banking on desktop traffic fading away, and the smart money rests on mobile-focused online marketing

4.Digital Assistants for a new kind of optimization

– Digital Assistant like Siri (Apple Inc.) and Cortana (Microsoft) do utilize traditional search engines but the key to a new kind of optimization is to make sure that your business information is accessible to these assistants.

5.Virtual reality

– Oculus Rift and other VR devices will introduce an entire new medium of online advertising, with integration to popular social media platforms, video channels, and even forms of direct messaging

6.Wearable technology and IoT (Internet of Things)

– More smart watches and wearable devices will start to emerge next year similar to the Apple Watch which was unveiled this 2015.

7.Expensive Advertising

– Increase in demand is accompanied with the increase of price. As online marketing became a trend in the business world, in 2016, we will expect to see more.

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