Psst, Want Some Content Marketing Secrets?

Psst, Want Some Content Marketing Secrets?

Content marketing is fast becoming one of the most powerful online promotional tools. In fact, most marketers agree that if you know how to use content effectively, you don’t actually need any other form of promotion. You will always gain the interest of customers and clients. But, to do this, you need to know the secrets of great content. Here are the details you might be missing.

Release Time Is Important

Your content needs to be released at the same time like clockwork. This is how you let users know your routine. They’ll subconsciously learn when to check for new content, and you can ensure that as many people as possible see what you release. You also need to think about when your target audience online is using the internet. For instance, there’s no point in releasing content midday if your audience is working 9 to 5 jobs.

Tell A Story

The best content always tells a story rather than being a random page of facts. By telling a story, you can connect with your audience and ensure that they’re emotionally invested. You need them to be desperate to keep reading. Present a problem, present the twist and finally deliver the solution. Do this, and you’ll always have the interest of customers.

Nitty Gritty SEO

You might think you know how to optimize your content online. The fact is though that you’re probably missing out a few key details. For instance, you may not be aware that images need to be optimized as well as text. If you’re not sure how to do that you can check out this infographic.

Created by Digitalico Media

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