How Online Booking Software Can Benefit Your Small Business

Are bookings vital to the growth of your small business? If that’s the case, then how do you handle or take bookings? Do you use online booking software?

Maybe you think online booking systems such as that offered by Jobber aren’t relevant to your specific business model. Or, like most startups, you believe that an online booking app is a luxury item that’s too expensive for your small business.

The truth is, adding online booking software helps businesses, regardless of size, to serve customers better. Read on to learn why you should consider, if you haven’t already, how leveraging this technology can increase business revenue for your company.

How Online Booking Software Can Benefit Your Small Business

What’s an online booking software system?

An online booking app is a cloud-based tool that lets business owners accept reservations online. Cloud-based booking software also lets you manage other time-based aspects of your company’s appointments, such as custom scheduling availability and calendar syncing. But why should you utilize an online booking system?

Advantages of using online booking software

For your small business, a booking management software can help alleviate traditional scheduling pain points. Specifically, a business can benefit from an online booking app through the following advantages:

  • Increased availability: With online booking software, your business is open 24/7. That’s because, unlike you or your company’s customer service reps, booking systems are always available to handle appointments.The ability to receive bookings 24/7 is necessary, since research suggests that 35% of consumers prefer to schedule an appointment after working hours. An online booking app gives your customers the convenience to book when it’s right for them, essentially allowing you and your customers to connect with each other regardless of whether it is within operational hours or not.(1)
  • Increased booking rates: When your business is always open, you’ll naturally see an increase in the bookings you take. How many bookings do you think you’ve lost because you’ve taken at least a day to attend to an inquiry? Or because the prospect called beyond your office hours? Or just because your phone line was busy?It’s easy to lose some customers through the cracks if you’re handling the scheduling process in your business manually. However, when taking care of reservations using an online booking system, you create the opportunity to increase the number of customers who can book with you.

    Plus, with an online booking app, you can set up automated reminder text or email notifications so you, your crew, and your customer won’t miss what’s scheduled.

  • Increased revenue gains: The more straightforward and convenient you make it for your customers to book with you, the more likely it is they will schedule an appointment with you. This results in more conversions and, thus, increased revenue for your company.In addition, online booking software can also be used as a perfect vehicle for upselling. Research shows that customers who’ve experienced excellent customer service are more inclined to purchase extras and spend up to 50% more with your business. (2)
  • Decreased admin workload: An online booking system can help business owners and managers save time by tackling mundane, routine tasks. It can eliminate the time required to update availability, collect, schedule, and input bookings, as well as send thank-you emails and create cash-out reports. Any time saved on these things can be much better spent elsewhere.

How Online Booking Software Can Benefit Your Small Business

In conclusion

Online booking apps can bring a number of significant advantages to small businesses and more established companies alike. 24/7 availability, increased booking rates and revenue gains, all with the advantage of less time spent on administrative tasks, helps to make service based businesses more effective and productive.

Online booking software should not be seen as a luxury commodity only for larger companies to enjoy, but rather intrinsic to the success of small business too. Whether you run a cleaning, lawn care or HVAC business, you need an online booking app if your product or service is bookable for customers.


  1. “How Businesses Benefit From Online Booking”, Source:
  2. “The Disconnected Customer: What Digital Customer Experience Leaders Teach Us About Reconnecting With Customers”, Source:
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