How to Create a Membership Site

When you have an online business, it’s vital to have a membership site. A membership site is a restricted site where only subscribers can have access to it. It is also where you can showcase your knowledge in a specific area.

Not only will a membership site provide exclusive access to deals and promotions for your subscribers, but it also makes your content more valuable. So if you want to make the most out of your content, create a membership site.

Here’s how you can do it:

1. Choose A Platform

To build a membership site that’ll pay off, you must choose the right membership management software or membership site platform. Generally, this platform is a tool that has a membership management function. Instead of using various software or programs to track your email list and the like, you can do so with your membership management software.

Before committing to any membership site platform, you must consider the following features:

  • Manageable – Although platforms should have the latest features to let you manage your membership site, they should also be easy to learn. Otherwise, it should have learning resources like video and audio tutorials, or written manuals. You can also check online reviews of platforms, like a review of Kajabi, for example, as these reviews mostly contain tips and feedback about a particular platform.
  • Security – When you’re handling payments or sensitive information from your subscribers, you must choose a secure platform. Additional security levels include two-factor authentication and admin access levels.
  • Integration – You may be using other systems to manage your site or business, so choose a platform that offers integration. For some platforms, they have built-in integration so that you won’t start from scratch.

2. Choose The Right Membership Model

Depending on the type of your business or online site, you must choose the right membership model to maximize your profits. Here are some membership models you can choose from:

  • Community Model – Your members share the same goal. To make this work, you must have a forum component and engaging posts.
  • Professional Service Model – This type of model applies to when you receive payment for performing a specific task. For instance, if you’re an expert in designing, playing instruments, consulting, and other technical services, offer annual, quarterly, or monthly membership so your members can get access to these services.
  • Content Library Model – This type or model allows your members to access past and future content. Just like a library, they can access all your works.
  • Product Bundle Model – This model lets you sell multiple products. Included in this is a free membership subscription when they buy a bundle.
  • Hybrid Model – If you want to use one or more of the aforementioned models, the better. For instance, you can offer a professional service with product bundle models. By doing so, you can attract more people to subscribe to your site.

3. Add Payment Methods

Depending on your business goal, you can come up with the best membership pricing. For instance, you can offer a very cheap membership fee or nothing at all if you want to amass a large number of members. But if you use your membership site to earn a living, then your pricing should be a bit higher.

After setting your price, it’s time to set up your payment methods or gateways. Nowadays, people use online payments as they’re easier and hassle-free. Here are popular payment methods you can add to your membership site:

  • Cryptocurrencies – The rush of cryptos like Bitcoin and other digital currencies became a hit in the last few years. This is because of the technology it offers, which provides security for each transaction, thus encouraging more people to invest in cryptocurrencies. As a result, more people are also using their cryptos to pay for their online purchases.
  • Stripe – This payment processor allows your customers to pay on-site. It also uses credit card information, which will enable merchants to pay recurring fees.
  • PayPal – this type of payment method is a lot safer because people go through a “Know Your Customer” process before they can set up a PayPal account. Moreover, it’s also convenient because your customers only need to link in their credit card account as their fund source.

4. Add Access Rules, As Well As Sign Up And Login Forms

After setting up the essentials, it’s now time to create access rules. These pertain to the content that members can only access depending on their membership plans. In here, there are options like expiration and covered content for a specific group of members. Thus, you won’t accidentally release content that is exclusive only to your paid members.

After this, you should also create the signup and login forms. In a user login, you’ll add the essentials or personal information of each member. The form also includes the membership plans you offer. As a result, your members can have options on which membership plan to avail.


So if you want your business to keep flourishing, consider creating a membership site. Not only will you earn from it, but you can also let your customers feel important and valued. They know that being a member has its advantages over a free subscription. A membership site is easy to set up because almost all platforms have their tutorials to guide you, or you can even hire developers to do the setup for you.

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