So You’ve Opened an eCommerce Shop: How Do You Spread the Word?

These days, lots of entrepreneurs are opening up their first eCommerce shops. That’s a good thing! The world of eCommerce is open to everyone and allows new business owners to follow their dreams.

However, opening your eCommerce is just the start. You’ll also need to figure out how to spread the word and get your target consumers to your site. Let’s break down how you can do this now. 

How To Start an Ecommerce Business

Post on Your Blog All the Time

Any new eCommerce businesses should have a blog as a cornerstone content creation space for their brand. Business owners should also post on that blog all the time.

The more content a blog gets, and the more regularly posts are created, the higher the blog and the associated brand will rank with Google’s search engine algorithms. Therefore, posting on your blog regularly (and introducing guest posting if possible) is a great way to spread the word of your new eCommerce shop far and wide.

Lean In to Social Media Marketing

Of course, new eCommerce businesses should also lean heavily into social media marketing. Social media allows businesses to reach a wider target audience than ever before with regular posting and content creation. It also helps online businesses develop communities of loyal customers who can be counted on to bring revenue to the brand over the long-term.

This being said, any would-be successful eCommerce business will need to practice good social media strategic planning to market effectively. This guide can help any new eCommerce business produce an efficient social media marketing campaign right off the bat.

Make a Google My Business Account

A Google My Business account will allow you to advertise your shop to local people, which may or may not be relevant to your industry or niche. But if your eCommerce store is likely to attract significant attention from locals, a My Business account is a must. It’s the best way to make sure that your eCommerce shop is the first thing your target customers see when they search for particular keywords.

Plus, a My Business account can give you excellent search engine analytics and help you tailor future marketing campaigns for greater success.

Build an Email List and Use It

Any new eCommerce business owner should build an email list and use it regularly. Email lists and regular email campaigns allow you to send messages to current, past, or potential customers about new offers, new products, and special discounts.

You can build an email list in a variety of ways. One of the most effective ways to do this is to attach an email list opt-out widget to the purchase screen of your site. This way, you’ll get the email of anyone who purchases something from your eCommerce store.

Create a Facebook Group

Lastly, you can also create a Facebook group for your eCommerce business. This ties into social media marketing and allows you to build a better community to surround your brand for long-term success. But it’ll also help you get Facebook ad credits, which you can then use to spread the word about your business through traditional marketing methods.

As you can see, there are lots of different ways in which you can spread the word about your new eCommerce business. Follow the above tips and you’ll get new customers sooner than you think!

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