Specialist Contributor/s

Share your knowledge. Be a part of Founder’s Guide! Looking for a boost in your writing career? Founder’s Guide is in search for partners/ contributors/specialists to be featured in our …

World Economic Forum:Future Digital Economy

Topic: Future of the Internet Speakers: Eric Schmidt, Vittorio Colao, Sheryl Sandberg, Jim Hagemann Snabe, Satya Nadella 2 Significant events has spurred the growth of Digital Economy and that 1. …

Terms of Service

Founder’s Guide Terms of Service Our founders (Bizceed Co. Ltd.) started to open this company and support the online management of sogyotecho.jp (our Japanese counterpart) because there has been a …

Privacy Policy

Founder’s Guide PRIVACY POLICY 1. Introduction The reason we set privacy policy is due to the fact that protection of personal information is very important. It is our duty to …

How to Attract Abundance

Contents 5 Ways to Attract Abundance in your life When you decided on becoming an entrepreneur, a whole new and exciting world opened up for you. That life- changing decision …